Solver Configuration

To define and solve the optimization problems, GenX relies on JuMP, a domain-specific modeling language for mathematical optimization written in Julia, and on a variety of open-source and commercial solvers. GenX supports the following solvers:

Solver related settings parameters are specified in the appropriate .yml file (e.g. highs_settings.yml, gurobi_settings.yml, etc.), which should be located in the settings folder inside the current working directory (the same settings folder where genx_settings.yml is located). Settings are specific to each solver. Check the Example_Systems folder for examples of solver settings files and parameters.


GenX supplies default settings for most solver settings in the various solver-specific functions found in the src/configure_solver/ directory. To overwrite default settings, you can specify the below Solver specific settings.

The following table summarizes the solver settings parameters and their default/possible values.


Since each solver has its own set of parameters names, together with a description of the parameter, the table provides a reference to the the corresponding solver specific parameter name.

Solver settings parameters**

Settings ParameterDescription
MethodAlgorithm used to solve continuous models or the root node of a MIP model. Generally, barrier method provides the fastest run times for real-world problem set.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_LPMETHOD - Default = 0; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: Method - Default = -1; See link for more specifications.
clp: SolveType - Default = 5; See link for more specifications.
HiGHS: Method - Default = "choose"; See link for more specifications.
BarConvTolConvergence tolerance for barrier algorithm.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_BAREPCOMP - Default = 1e-8; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: BarConvTol - Default = 1e-8; See link for more specifications.
Feasib_TolAll constraints must be satisfied as per this tolerance. Note that this tolerance is absolute.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_EPRHS - Default = 1e-6; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: FeasibilityTol - Default = 1e-6; See link for more specifications.
clp: PrimalTolerance - Default = 1e-7; See link for more specifications.
clp: DualTolerance - Default = 1e-7; See link for more specifications.
Optimal_TolReduced costs must all be smaller than Optimal_Tol in the improving direction in order for a model to be declared optimal.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_EPOPT - Default = 1e-6; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: OptimalityTol - Default = 1e-6; See link for more specifications.
Pre_SolveControls the presolve level.
Gurobi: Presolve - Default = -1; See link for more specifications.
clp: PresolveType - Default = 5; See link for more specifications.
CrossoverDetermines the crossover strategy used to transform the interior solution produced by barrier algorithm into a basic solution.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_SOLUTIONTYPE - Default = 2; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: Crossover - Default = 0; See link for more specifications.
NumericFocusControls the degree to which the code attempts to detect and manage numerical issues.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_NUMERICALEMPHASIS - Default = 0; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: NumericFocus - Default = 0; See link for more specifications.
TimeLimitTime limit to terminate the solution algorithm, model could also terminate if it reaches MIPGap before this time.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_TILIM- Default = 1e+75; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: TimeLimit - Default = infinity; See link for more specifications.
clp: MaximumSeconds - Default = -1; See link for more specifications.
MIPGapOptimality gap in case of mixed-integer program.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_EPGAP- Default = 1e-4; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: MIPGap - Default = 1e-4; See link for more specifications.
DualObjectiveLimitWhen using dual simplex (where the objective is monotonically changing), terminate when the objective exceeds this limit.
clp: DualObjectiveLimit - Default = 1e308; See link for more specifications.
MaximumIterationsTerminate after performing this number of simplex iterations.
clp: MaximumIterations - Default = 2147483647; See link for more specifications.
LogLevelSet to 1, 2, 3, or 4 for increasing output. Set to 0 to disable output.
clp: logLevel - Default = 1; See link for more specifications.
cbc: logLevel - Default = 1; See link for more specifications.
InfeasibleReturnSet to 1 to return as soon as the problem is found to be infeasible (by default, an infeasibility proof is computed as well).
clp: InfeasibleReturn - Default = 0; See link for more specifications.
ScalingSets or unsets scaling; 0 -off, 1 equilibrium, 2 geometric, 3 auto, 4 dynamic(later).
clp: Scaling - Default = 3; See link for more specifications.
PerturbationPerturbs problem; Switch on perturbation (50), automatic (100), don't try perturbing (102).
clp: Perturbation - Default = 3; See link for more specifications.
maxSolutionsTerminate after this many feasible solutions have been found.
cbc: maxSolutions - Default = -1; See link for more specifications.
maxNodesTerminate after this many branch-and-bound nodes have been evaluated
cbc: maxNodes - Default = -1; See link for more specifications.
allowableGapTerminate after optimality gap is less than this value (on an absolute scale)
cbc: allowableGap - Default = -1; See link for more specifications.
ratioGapTerminate after optimality gap is smaller than this relative fraction.
cbc: ratioGap - Default = Inf; See link for more specifications.
threadsSet the number of threads to use for parallel branch & bound.
cbc: threads - Default = 1; See link for more specifications.