GenX Inputs

All input files are in CSV format. Running the GenX model requires a minimum of four mandatory input files and one folder, which consists of CSV files for generating resources:

  1. Fuels_data.csv: specify fuel type, CO2 emissions intensity, and time-series of fuel prices.
  2. Network.csv: specify network topology, transmission fixed costs, capacity and loss parameters.

If running a single-zone model, this file is not mandatory.

  1. Demand_data.csv: specify time-series of demand profiles for each model zone, weights for each time step, demand shedding costs, and optional time domain reduction parameters.
  2. Generators_variability.csv: specify time-series of capacity factor/availability for each resource.
  3. Resources folder: specify cost and performance data for generation, storage and demand flexibility resources.

Additionally, the user may need to specify eight more settings-specific input files based on model configuration and type of scenarios of interest:

  1. Operational_reserves.csv: specify operational reserve requirements as a function of demand and renewables generation and penalty for not meeting these requirements.
  2. Energy_share_requirement.csv: specify regional renewable portfolio standard and clean energy standard style policies requiring minimum energy generation from qualifying resources.
  3. CO2_cap.csv: specify regional CO2 emission limits.
  4. Capacity_reserve_margin.csv: specify regional capacity reserve margin requirements.
  5. Minimum_capacity_requirement.csv: specify regional minimum technology capacity deployment requirements.
  6. Vre_and_stor_data.csv: specify cost and performance data for co-located VRE and storage resources.
  7. Vre_and_stor_solar_variability.csv: specify time-series of capacity factor/availability for each solar PV resource that exists for every co-located VRE and storage resource (in DC terms).
  8. Vre_and_stor_wind_variability.csv: specify time-series of capacity factor/availability for each wind resource that exists for every co-located VRE and storage resource (in AC terms).
  9. Hydrogen_demand.csv: specify regional hydrogen production requirements.

Names of the input files are case sensitive.

1 Mandatory input data

1.1 Fuels_data.csv

First row: names of all fuels used in the model instance which should match the labels used in Fuel column in one of the resource .csv file in the resources folder. For renewable resources or other resources that do not consume a fuel, the name of the fuel is None.

Second row: The second row specifies the CO2 emissions intensity of each fuel in tons/MMBtu (million British thermal units). Note that by convention, tons correspond to metric tonnes and not short tons (although as long as the user is internally consistent in their application of units, either can be used).

Remaining rows: Rest of the rows in this input file specify the time-series for prices for each fuel in /MMBtu. A constant price can be specified by entering the same value for all hours.

  • ** First column:** The first column in this file denotes, Time_index, represents the index of time steps in a model instance.

1.2 Network.csv


If running a single-zone model, this file is not mandatory.

This input file contains input parameters related to: 1) definition of model zones (regions between which transmission flows are explicitly modeled) and 2) definition of transmission network topology, existing capacity, losses and reinforcement costs. The following table describe each of the mandatory parameter inputs need to be specified to run an instance of the model, along with comments for the model configurations when they are needed.

Table 3: Structure of the Network.csv file

Column NameDescription
Settings-specific Columns
Multiple zone model
Network_LinesNumerical index for each network line. The length of this column is counted but the actual values are not used.
z* (Network map) OR StartZone, EndZoneSee below
Line_Max_Flow_MWExisting capacity of the inter-regional transmission line.
NetworkExpansion = 1
Line_Max_Reinforcement_MWMaximum allowable capacity addition to the existing transmission line.
Line_Reinforcement_Cost_per_MWyrCost of adding new capacity to the inter-regional transmission line.
Trans_Loss_Segments = 1
Line_Loss_Percentagefractional transmission loss for each transmission line
Trans_Loss_Segments > 1
OhmsLine resistance in Ohms (used to calculate I^2R losses)
kVLine voltage in kV (used to calculate I^2R losses)
CapacityReserveMargin > 0
CapResExcl_*{-1,1,0} Eligibility of the transmission line for adding firm capacity to the capacity reserve margin constraint, as well as whether the line flow is into or out of the constraint region. * represents the number of the capacity reserve margin constraint.
0 = the transmission line is not eligible/part of any capacity reserve constraint.
-1 = the transmission line is eligible for the capacity reserve margin constraint and the designated direction of the transmission line is inbound to locational deliverability area (LDA) modeled by the capacity reserve margin constraint.
1 = the transmission line is eligible for the capacity reserve margin constraint and the designated direction of the transmission line is outbound from the locational deliverability area (LDA) modeled by the capacity reserve margin constraint.
DerateCapRes_*[0,1] value represents the derating of the firm transmission capacity for the capacity reserve margin constraint. * represents the number of the capacity reserve margin constraint.
MultiStage == 1
Capital_Recovery_PeriodCapital recovery period (in years) used for determining overnight capital costs from annualized investment costs for network transmission line expansion.
Line_Max_Flow_Possible_MWMaximum possible line flow in the current model period. Overrides Line_Max_Reinforcement_MW, which is not used when performing multi-stage modeling.

There are two interfaces implemented for specifying the network topology itself: a matrix interface and a list interface. Only one choice is permitted in a given file.

The list interface consists of a column for the lines start zone and one for the line's end zone. Here is a snippet of the Network.csv file for a map with three zones and two lines:

Network_Lines, Start_Zone, End_Zone,
            1,          1,        2,
            2,          1,        3,

The matrix interface requires N columns labeled z1, z2, z3 ... zN, and L rows, one for each network line (or interregional path), with a 1 in the column corresponding to the 'start' zone and a -1 in the column corresponding to the 'end' zone for each line. Here is the same network map implemented as a matrix:

Network_Lines, z1, z2, z3,
            1,  1, -1,  0,
            2,  1,  0, -1,

Note that in either case, positive flows indicate flow from start to end zone; negative flows indicate flow from end to start zone.

1.3 Demand_data.csv (Load_data.csv)

This file includes parameters to characterize model temporal resolution to approximate annual grid operations, electricity demand for each time step for each zone, and cost of load shedding. Note that GenX is designed to model hourly time steps. With some care and effort, finer (e.g. 15 minute) or courser (e.g. 2 hour) time steps can be modeled so long as all time-related parameters are scaled appropriately (e.g. time period weights, heat rates, ramp rates and minimum up and down times for generators, variable costs, etc).

Table 4: Structure of the Demand_data.csv file

Column NameDescription
Mandatory Columns
VollValue of lost load (also referred to as non-served energy) in /MWh.
Demand_SegmentNumber of demand curtailment/unserved demand segments with different cost and capacity of curtailable demand for each segment. User-specified demand segments. Integer values starting with 1 in the first row. Additional segements added in subsequent rows.
Cost_of_Demand_Curtailment_per_MWCost of non-served energy/demand curtailment (for each segment), reported as a fraction of value of the lost load (non-served demand). If Demand_Segment = 1, then this parameter is a scalar and equal to one. In general this parameter is a vector of length equal to the length of Demand_Segment.
Max_Demand_CurtailmentMaximum time-dependent demand curtailable in each segment, reported as % of the demand in each zone and each period. If Demand_Segment = 1, then this parameter is a scalar and equal to one. In general this parameter is a vector of length given by length of Demand_segment.
Time_IndexIndex defining time step in the model.
Demand_MW_z*Demand profile of a zone z* in MW; if multiple zones, this parameter will be a matrix with columns equal to number of zones (each column named appropriate zone number appended to parameter) and rows equal to number of time periods of grid operations being modeled.
Rep_PeriodsNumber of representative periods (e.g. weeks, days) that are modeled to approximate annual grid operations. This is always a single entry. For a full-year model, this is 1.
Timesteps_per_Rep_PeriodNumber of timesteps per representative period (e.g. 168 if period is set as a week using hour-long time steps). This is always a single entry: all representative periods have the same length. For a full-year model, this entry is equal to the number of time steps.
Sub_WeightsNumber of annual time steps (e.g. hours) represented by each timestep in a representative period. The length of this column is equal to the number of representative periods. The sum of the elements should be equal to the total number of time steps in a model time horizon (e.g. 8760 hours if modeling 365 days or 8736 if modeling 52 weeks).

1.4 Resources input files

The resources folder contains the input files for each resource type. At the current version of GenX, the following resources are included in the model:

  1. thermal generators, specified in the Thermal.csv file,
  2. variable renewable energy resources (VRE), specified in the VRE.csv file,
  3. reservoir hydro resources, specified in the Hydro.csv file,
  4. storage resources, specified in the Storage.csv file,
  5. flexible demand resources, specified in the Flex_demand.csv file,
  6. must-run resources, specified in the Must_run.csv file,
  7. electrolyzers, specified in the Electrolyzer.csv file, and
  8. co-located VRE and storage resources, specified in the Vre_stor.csv file.

Each file contains cost and performance parameters for various generators and other resources included in the model formulation. The following table describes the mandatory columns in each of these files. Note that the column names are case insensitive.

Table 5a: Columns in resource .csv files that are common to all resources

Column NameDescription
ResourceThis column contains unique names of resources available to the model. Resources can include generators, storage, and flexible or time shiftable demand.
ZoneInteger representing zone number where the resource is located.
Technology type flags
New_Build{0, 1}, Flag for resource (storage, generation) eligibility for capacity expansion.
New_Build = 1: eligible for capacity expansion.
New_Build = 0: not eligible for capacity expansion.
Can_Retire{0, 1}, Flag for resource (storage, generation) eligibility for retirement.
Can_Retire = 1: eligible for retirement.
Can_Retire = 0: not eligible for retirement.
Existing technology capacity
Existing_Cap_MWThe existing capacity of a power plant in MW. Note that for co-located VRE-STOR resources, this capacity represents the existing AC grid connection capacity in MW.
Capacity/Energy requirements
Max_Cap_MW-1 (default) – no limit on maximum discharge capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed discharge capacity (in MW) of the resource. Note that for co-located VRE-STOR resources, this capacity represents the maximum AC grid connection capacity in MW.
Min_Cap_MW-1 (default) – no limit on minimum discharge capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed discharge capacity (in MW) of the resource. Note that for co-located VRE-STOR resources, this capacity represents the minimum AC grid connection capacity in MW.
Cost parameters
Inv_Cost_per_MWyrAnnualized capacity investment cost of a technology (/MW/year). Note that for co-located VRE-STOR resources, this annualized capacity investment cost pertains to the grid connection.
Fixed_OM_Cost_per_MWyrFixed operations and maintenance cost of a technology (/MW/year). Note that for co-located VRE-STOR resources, this fixed operations and maintenance cost pertains to the grid connection.
Var_OM_Cost_per_MWhVariable operations and maintenance cost of a technology (/MWh). Note that for co-located VRE-STOR resources, these costs apply to the AC generation sent to the grid from the entire site.
Technical performance parameters
Heat_Rate_MMBTU_per_MWhHeat rate of a generator or MMBtu of fuel consumed per MWh of electricity generated for export (net of on-site consumption). The heat rate is the inverse of the efficiency: a lower heat rate is better. Should be consistent with fuel prices in terms of reporting on higher heating value (HHV) or lower heating value (LHV) basis.
FuelFuel needed for a generator. The names should match with the ones in the Fuels_data.csv.
Required for writing outputs
regionName of the model region
clusterNumber of the cluster when representing multiple clusters of a given technology in a given region.
Required if electrolyzer is included in the model
Qualified_Hydrogen_Supply{0,1}, Indicates that generator or storage resources is eligible to supply electrolyzers in the same zone (used for hourly clean supply constraint)
Required for retrofitting
Can_Retrofit{0, 1}, Flag for resource (storage, generation) eligibility for retrofit.
Can_Retrofit = 1: eligible for retrofit.
Can_Retrofit = 0: not eligible for retrofit.
Retrofit{0, 1}, Flag for resource retrofit technologies (i.e., retrofit options, e.g. CCS retrofit for coal plants).
Retrofit = 1: is a retrofit technology.
Retrofit = 0: is not a retrofit technology.
Retrofit_IdUnique identifier to group retrofittable source technologies with retrofit options inside the same zone.
Retrofit_Efficiency[0,1], Efficiency of the retrofit technology.
Table 5b: Settings-specific columns in all resource .csv file

Column NameDescription
ModelingToGenerateAlternatives = 1
MGAEligibility of the technology for Modeling To Generate Alternative (MGA) run.
1 = Technology is available for the MGA run.
0 = Technology is unavailable for the MGA run (e.g. storage technologies).
Resource_TypeFor the MGA run, we categorize all the resources in a few resource types. We then find maximally different generation portfolio based on these resource types. For example, existing solar and new solar resources could be represented by a resource type names Solar. Categorization of resources into resource types is user dependent.
Maintenance data
MAINT[0,1], toggles scheduled maintenance formulation.
Maintenance_Duration(Positive integer, less than total length of simulation.) Duration of the maintenance period, in number of timesteps. Only used if MAINT=1.
Maintenance_Cycle_Length_YearsLength of scheduled maintenance cycle, in years. 1 is maintenance every year, 3 is every three years, etc. (Positive integer. Only used if MAINT=1.)
Maintenance_Begin_CadenceCadence of timesteps in which scheduled maintenance can begin. 1 means that a maintenance period can start in any timestep, 24 means it can start only in timesteps 1, 25, 49, etc. A larger number can decrease the simulation computational cost as it limits the optimizer's choices. (Positive integer, less than total length of simulation. Only used if MAINT=1.)
CO2-related parameters required if any resources have nonzero CO2_Capture_Fraction
CO2_Capture_Fraction[0,1], The CO2 capture fraction of CCS-equipped power plants during steady state operation. This value should be 0 for generators without CCS.
CO2_Capture_Fraction_Startup[0,1], The CO2 capture fraction of CCS-equipped power plants during the startup events. This value should be 0 for generators without CCS
Biomass{0, 1}, Flag to indicate if generator uses biomass as feedstock (optional input column).
Biomass = 0: Not part of set (default).
Biomass = 1: Uses biomass as fuel.
CCS_Disposal_Cost_per_Metric_TonCost associated with CCS disposal (/tCO2), including pipeline, injection and storage costs of CCS-equipped generators.
Table 6a: Additional columns in the Thermal.csv file
Column NameDescription
Model{1, 2}, Flag to indicate membership in set of thermal resources (e.g. nuclear, combined heat and power, natural gas combined cycle, coal power plant)
Model = 1: If the power plant relies on thermal energy input and subject unit commitment constraints/decisions if UCommit >= 1 (e.g. cycling decisions/costs/constraints).
Model = 2: If the power plant relies on thermal energy input and is subject to simplified economic dispatch constraints (ramping limits and minimum output level but no cycling decisions/costs/constraints).
Cap_sizeSize (MW) of a single generating unit. This is used for resources with integer unit commitment (Model = 1).
Min_Power[0,1], The minimum generation level for a unit as a fraction of total capacity. This value cannot be higher than the smallest time-dependent CF value for a resource in Generators_variability.csv.
Ramp_Up_Percentage[0,1], Maximum increase in power output from between two periods (typically hours), reported as a fraction of nameplate capacity.
Ramp_Dn_Percentage[0,1], Maximum decrease in power output from between two periods (typically hours), reported as a fraction of nameplate capacity.
PiecewiseFuelUsage-related parameters
PWFU_Fuel_Usage_Zero_Load_MMBTU_per_hThe fuel usage (MMBTU/h) for the first PWFU segemnt (y-intercept) at zero load.
PWFU_Heat_Rate_MMBTU_per_MWh_*iThe slope of fuel usage function of the segment i.
PWFU_Load_Point_MW_*iThe end of segment i (MW).
Multi-fuel parameters
MULTI_FUELS{0, 1}, Flag to indicate membership in set of thermal resources that can burn multiple fuels at the same time (e.g., natural gas combined cycle cofiring with hydrogen, coal power plant cofiring with natural gas.
MULTI_FUELS = 0: Not part of set (default)
MULTI_FUELS = 1: Resources that can use fuel blending.
Num_FuelsNumber of fuels that a multi-fuel generator (MULTIFUELS = 1) can use at the same time. The length of ['Fuel1', 'Fuel2', ...] should be equal to 'Num\Fuels'. Each fuel will requires its corresponding heat rate, min cofire level, and max cofire level.
Fuel1Frist fuel needed for a mulit-fuel generator (MULTIFUELS = 1). The names should match with the ones in the `Fuelsdata.csv`.
Fuel2Second fuel needed for a mulit-fuel generator (MULTIFUELS = 1). The names should match with the ones in the `Fuelsdata.csv`.
Heat1_Rate_MMBTU_per_MWhHeat rate of a multi-fuel generator (MULTI_FUELS = 1) for Fuel1.
Heat2_Rate_MMBTU_per_MWhHeat rate of a multi-fuel generator (MULTI_FUELS = 1) for Fuel2.
Fuel1_Min_Cofire_LevelThe minimum blendng level of 'Fuel1' in total heat inputs of a mulit-fuel generator (MULTI_FUELS = 1) during the normal generation process.
Fuel1_Min_CofireLevel\StartThe minimum blendng level of 'Fuel1' in total heat inputs of a mulit-fuel generator (MULTI_FUELS = 1) during the start-up process.
Fuel1_Max_Cofire_LevelThe maximum blendng level of 'Fuel1' in total heat inputs of a mulit-fuel generator (MULTI_FUELS = 1) during the normal generation process.
Fuel1_Max_CofireLevel\StartThe maximum blendng level of 'Fuel1' in total heat inputs of a mulit-fuel generator (MULTI_FUELS = 1) during the start-up process.
Fuel2_Min_Cofire_LevelThe minimum blendng level of 'Fuel2' in total heat inputs of a mulit-fuel generator (MULTI_FUELS = 1) during the normal generation process.
Fuel2_Min_CofireLevel\StartThe minimum blendng level of 'Fuel2' in total heat inputs of a mulit-fuel generator (MULTI_FUELS = 1) during the start-up process.
Fuel2_Max_Cofire_LevelThe maximum blendng level of 'Fuel2' in total heat inputs of a mulit-fuel generator (MULTI_FUELS = 1) during the normal generation process.
Fuel2_Max_CofireLevel\StartThe maximum blendng level of 'Fuel2' in total heat inputs of a mulit-fuel generator (MULTI_FUELS = 1) during the start-up process.
Table 6b: Settings-specific columns in the Thermal.csv file

Column NameDescription
UCommit >= 1The following settings apply only to thermal plants with unit commitment constraints
Up_TimeMinimum amount of time a resource has to stay in the committed state.
Down_TimeMinimum amount of time a resource has to remain in the shutdown state.
Start_Cost_per_MWCost per MW of nameplate capacity to start a generator (/MW per start). Multiplied by the number of generation units (each with a pre-specified nameplate capacity) that is turned on.
Start_Fuel_MMBTU_per_MWStartup fuel use per MW of nameplate capacity of each generator (MMBtu/MW per start).
OperationalReserves = 1
Reg_CostCost of providing regulation reserves (/MW per time step/hour).
Rsv_CostCost of providing upwards spinning or contingency reserves (/MW per time step/hour).
Reg_Max[0,1], Fraction of nameplate capacity that can committed to provided regulation reserves. .
Rsv_Max[0,1], Fraction of nameplate capacity that can committed to provided upwards spinning or contingency reserves.
Table 7a: Additional columns in the Vre.csv file

Column NameDescription
Num_VRE_binsNumber of resource availability profiles considered for each VRE resource per zone. This parameter is used to decide the number of capacity investment decision variables related to a single variable renewable energy technology in each zone.
Num_VRE_bins = 1: using a single resource availability profile per technology per zone. 1 capacity investment decision variable and 1 generator RID tracking technology power output (and in each zone).
Num_VRE_bins > 1: using multiple resource availability profiles per technology per zone. Num_VRE_bins capacity investment decision variables and 1 generator RID used to define technology power output at each time step (and in each zone). Example: Suppose we are modeling 3 bins of wind profiles for each zone. Then include 3 rows with wind resource names as Wind_1, Wind_2, and Wind_3 and a corresponding increasing sequence of RIDs. Set Num_VRE_bins for the generator with smallest RID, Wind_1, to be 3 and set Num_VRE_bins for the other rows corresponding to Wind_2 and Wind_3, to be zero. By setting Num_VRE_bins for Wind_2 and Wind_3, the model eliminates the power outputs variables for these generators. The power output from the technology across all bins is reported in the power output variable for the first generator. This allows for multiple bins without significantly increasing number of model variables (adding each bin only adds one new capacity variable and no operational variables). See documentation for curtailable_variable_renewable() for more.
Table 6b: Settings-specific columns in the Vre.csv file

Column NameDescription
OperationalReserves = 1
Reg_CostCost of providing regulation reserves (/MW per time step/hour).
Rsv_CostCost of providing upwards spinning or contingency reserves (/MW per time step/hour).
Reg_Max[0,1], Fraction of nameplate capacity that can committed to provided regulation reserves. .
Rsv_Max[0,1], Fraction of nameplate capacity that can committed to provided upwards spinning or contingency reserves.
Table 7a: Additional columns in the Hydro.csv file

Column NameDescription
Min_Power[0,1], The minimum generation level for a unit as a fraction of total capacity. This value cannot be higher than the smallest time-dependent CF value for a resource in Generators_variability.csv.
Ramp_Up_Percentage[0,1], Maximum increase in power output from between two periods (typically hours), reported as a fraction of nameplate capacity.
Ramp_Dn_Percentage[0,1], Maximum decrease in power output from between two periods (typically hours), reported as a fraction of nameplate capacity.
Hydro_Energy_to_Power_RatioThe rated number of hours of reservoir hydro storage at peak discharge power output. (hours).
LDS{0, 1}, Flag to indicate the resources eligible for long duration storage constraints with inter period linkage.
LDS = 0: Not part of set (default)
LDS = 1: Long duration storage resources
Table 7b: Settings-specific columns in the Hydro.csv file

Column NameDescription
OperationalReserves = 1
Reg_CostCost of providing regulation reserves (/MW per time step/hour).
Rsv_CostCost of providing upwards spinning or contingency reserves (/MW per time step/hour).
Reg_Max[0,1], Fraction of nameplate capacity that can committed to provided regulation reserves. .
Rsv_Max[0,1], Fraction of nameplate capacity that can committed to provided upwards spinning or contingency reserves.
Table 8a: Additional columns in the Storage.csv file

Column NameDescription
Model{0, 1, 2}, Flag to indicate membership in set of storage resources and designate which type of storage resource formulation to employ.
Model = 0: Not part of set (default)
Model = 1: Discharging power capacity and energy capacity are the investment decision variables; symmetric charge/discharge power capacity with charging capacity equal to discharging capacity (e.g. lithium-ion battery storage).
Model = 2: Discharging, charging power capacity and energy capacity are investment variables; asymmetric charge and discharge capacities using distinct processes (e.g. hydrogen electrolysis, storage, and conversion to power using fuel cell or combustion turbine).
LDS{0, 1}, Flag to indicate the resources eligible for long duration storage constraints with inter period linkage.
LDS = 0: Not part of set (default)
LDS = 1: Long duration storage resources
Self_Disch[0,1], The power loss of storage technologies per hour (fraction loss per hour)- only applies to storage techs.
Eff_Up[0,1], Efficiency of charging storage.
Eff_Down[0,1], Efficiency of discharging storage.
Min_DurationSpecifies the minimum ratio of installed energy to discharged power capacity that can be installed (hours).
Max_DurationSpecifies the maximum ratio of installed energy to discharged power capacity that can be installed (hours).
Existing technology capacity
Existing_Cap_MWhThe existing capacity of storage in MWh where Model = 1 or Model = 2.
Existing_Charge_Cap_MWThe existing charging capacity for resources where Model = 2.
Capacity/Energy requirements
Max_Cap_MWh-1 (default) – no limit on maximum energy capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed energy capacity (in MWh) of the resource with Model = 1 or Model = 2.
Max_Charge_Cap_MW-1 (default) – no limit on maximum charge capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed charge capacity (in MW) of the resource with Model = 2.
Min_Cap_MWh-1 (default) – no limit on minimum energy capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed energy capacity (in MWh) of the resource with Model = 1 or Model = 2.
Min_Charge_Cap_MW-1 (default) – no limit on minimum charge capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed charge capacity (in MW) of the resource with Model = 2.
Cost parameters
Inv_Cost_per_MWhyrAnnualized investment cost of the energy capacity for a storage technology (/MW/year), applicable to either Model = 1 or Model = 2.
Inv_Cost_Charge_per_MWyrAnnualized capacity investment cost for the charging portion of a storage technology with Model = 2 (/MW/year).
Fixed_OM_Cost_per_MWhyrFixed operations and maintenance cost of the energy component of a storage technology (/MWh/year).
Fixed_OM_Cost_Charge_per_MWyrFixed operations and maintenance cost of the charging component of a storage technology of type Model = 2.
Var_OM_Cost_per_MWhInVariable operations and maintenance cost of the charging aspect of a storage technology with Model = 2. Otherwise 0 (/MWh).
Table 8b: Settings-specific columns in the Storage.csv file

Column NameDescription
OperationalReserves = 1
Reg_CostCost of providing regulation reserves (/MW per time step/hour).
Rsv_CostCost of providing upwards spinning or contingency reserves (/MW per time step/hour).
Reg_Max[0,1], Fraction of nameplate capacity that can committed to provided regulation reserves. .
Rsv_Max[0,1], Fraction of nameplate capacity that can committed to provided upwards spinning or contingency reserves.
Table 9: Additional columns in the Flex_demand.csv file

Column NameDescription
Max_Flexible_Demand_DelayMaximum number of hours that demand can be deferred or delayed (hours).
Max_Flexible_Demand_AdvanceMaximum number of hours that demand can be scheduled in advance of the original schedule (hours).
Flexible_Demand_Energy_Eff[0,1], Energy efficiency associated with time shifting demand. Represents energy losses due to time shifting (or 'snap back' effect of higher consumption due to delay in use) that may apply to some forms of flexible demand (hours). For example, one may need to pre-cool a building more than normal to advance demand.
Cost parameters
Var_OM_Cost_per_MWhInVariable operations and maintenance costs associated with flexible demand deferral. Otherwise 0 (/MWh).
Table 10: Additional columns in the Electrolyzer.csv file

Column NameDescription
Hydrogen_MWh_Per_TonneElectrolyzer efficiency in megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity per metric tonne of hydrogen produced (MWh/t)
Electrolyzer_Min_ktMinimum annual quantity of hydrogen that must be produced by electrolyzer in kilotonnes (kt)
Hydrogen_Price_Per_TonnePrice (or value) of hydrogen per metric tonne (/t)
Min_Power[0,1], The minimum generation level for a unit as a fraction of total capacity. This value cannot be higher than the smallest time-dependent CF value for a resource in Generators_variability.csv.
Ramp_Up_Percentage[0,1], Maximum increase in power output from between two periods (typically hours), reported as a fraction of nameplate capacity.
Ramp_Dn_Percentage[0,1], Maximum decrease in power output from between two periods (typically hours), reported as a fraction of nameplate capacity.

Check Qualified_Hydrogen_Supply column in table 5a if electrolyzers are included in the model. This column is used to indicate which resources are eligible to supply electrolyzers in the same zone (used for hourly clean supply constraint).

Each co-located VRE, electrolyzer, and storage resource can be easily configured to contain either a co-located VRE-ELEC-storage resource, standalone VRE resource (either wind, solar PV, or both), standalone eletrolyzers, or standalone storage resource.

Table 11a: Additional columns in the Vre_stor.csv file

Column NameDescription
Technology type flags
SOLAR{0, 1}, Flag to indicate membership in the set of co-located VRE-storage resources with a solar PV component.
SOLAR = 0: Not part of set (default)
SOLAR = 1: If the co-located VRE-storage resource can produce solar PV energy.
WIND{0, 1}, Flag to indicate membership in the set of co-located VRE-storage resources with a wind component.
WIND = 0: Not part of set (default)
WIND = 1: If the co-located VRE-storage resource can produce wind energy.
ELEC = 0: Not part of set (default)
ELEC = 1: If the co-located VRE-storage resource can consume electricity to produce hydrogen.
STOR_DC_DISCHARGE{0, 1, 2}, Flag to indicate membership in set of co-located VRE-storage resources that discharge behind the meter and through the inverter (DC).
STOR_DC_DISCHARGE = 0: Not part of set (default)
STOR_DC_DISCHARGE = 1: If the co-located VRE-storage resource contains symmetric charge/discharge power capacity with charging capacity equal to discharging capacity (e.g. lithium-ion battery storage). Note that if STOR_DC_DISCHARGE = 1, STOR_DC_CHARGE = 1.
STOR_DC_DISCHARGE = 2: If the co-located VRE-storage resource has asymmetric discharge capacities using distinct processes (e.g. hydrogen electrolysis, storage, and conversion to power using fuel cell or combustion turbine).
STOR_DC_CHARGE{0, 1, 2}, Flag to indicate membership in set of co-located VRE-storage resources that charge through the inverter (DC).
STOR_DC_CHARGE = 0: Not part of set (default)
STOR_DC_CHARGE = 1: If the co-located VRE-storage resource contains symmetric charge/discharge power capacity with charging capacity equal to discharging capacity (e.g. lithium-ion battery storage). Note that if STOR_DC_CHARGE = 1, STOR_DC_DISCHARGE = 1.
STOR_DC_CHARGE = 2: If the co-located VRE-storage resource has asymmetric charge capacities using distinct processes (e.g. hydrogen electrolysis, storage, and conversion to power using fuel cell or combustion turbine).
STOR_AC_DISCHARGE{0, 1, 2}, Flag to indicate membership in set of co-located VRE-storage resources that discharges AC.
STOR_AC_DISCHARGE = 0: Not part of set (default)
STOR_AC_DISCHARGE = 1: If the co-located VRE-storage resource contains symmetric charge/discharge power capacity with charging capacity equal to discharging capacity (e.g. lithium-ion battery storage). Note that if STOR_AC_DISCHARGE = 1, STOR_AC_CHARGE = 1.
STOR_AC_DISCHARGE = 2: If the co-located VRE-storage resource has asymmetric discharge capacities using distinct processes (e.g. hydrogen electrolysis, storage, and conversion to power using fuel cell or combustion turbine).
STOR_AC_CHARGE{0, 1, 2}, Flag to indicate membership in set of co-located VRE-storage resources that charge AC.
STOR_AC_CHARGE = 0: Not part of set (default)
STOR_AC_CHARGE = 1: If the co-located VRE-storage resource contains symmetric charge/discharge power capacity with charging capacity equal to discharging capacity (e.g. lithium-ion battery storage). Note that if STOR_AC_CHARGE = 1, STOR_AC_DISCHARGE = 1.
STOR_AC_CHARGE = 2: If the co-located VRE-storage resource has asymmetric charge capacities using distinct processes (e.g. hydrogen electrolysis, storage, and conversion to power using fuel cell or combustion turbine).
LDS_VRE_STOR{0, 1}, Flag to indicate the co-located VRE-storage resources eligible for long duration storage constraints with inter period linkage (e.g., reservoir hydro, hydrogen storage).
LDS_VRE_STOR = 0: Not part of set (default)
LDS_VRE_STOR = 1: Long duration storage resources
Existing technology capacity
Existing_Cap_MWThe existing AC grid connection capacity in MW.
Existing_Cap_MWhThe existing capacity of storage in MWh.
Existing_Cap_Inverter_MWThe existing capacity of co-located VRE-STOR resource's inverter in MW (AC).
Existing_Cap_Solar_MWThe existing capacity of co-located VRE-STOR resource's solar PV in MW (DC).
Existing_Cap_Wind_MWThe existing capacity of co-located VRE-STOR resource's wind in MW (AC).
Existing_Cap_Elec_MWThe existing capacity of co-located VRE-STOR resource's wind in MW (AC).
Existing_Cap_Discharge_DC_MWThe existing discharge capacity of co-located VRE-STOR resource's storage component in MW (DC). Note that this only applies to resources where STOR_DC_DISCHARGE = 2.
Existing_Cap_Charge_DC_MWThe existing charge capacity of co-located VRE-STOR resource's storage component in MW (DC). Note that this only applies to resources where STOR_DC_CHARGE = 2.
Existing_Cap_Discharge_AC_MWThe existing discharge capacity of co-located VRE-STOR resource's storage component in MW (AC). Note that this only applies to resources where STOR_AC_DISCHARGE = 2.
Existing_Cap_Charge_AC_MWThe existing charge capacity of co-located VRE-STOR resource's storage component in MW (AC). Note that this only applies to resources where STOR_DC_CHARGE = 2.
Capacity/Energy requirements
Max_Cap_MW-1 (default) – no limit on maximum discharge capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed AC grid connection capacity in MW of the resource.
Max_Cap_MWh-1 (default) – no limit on maximum energy capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed energy capacity of storage in MWh.
Min_Cap_MW-1 (default) – no limit on minimum discharge capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed AC grid connection capacity in MW.
Min_Cap_MWh-1 (default) – no limit on minimum energy capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed energy capacity of storage in MWh.
Max_Cap_Inverter_MW-1 (default) – no limit on maximum inverter capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed inverter capacity (in MW AC) of the resource.
Max_Cap_Solar_MW-1 (default) – no limit on maximum solar PV capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed solar PV capacity (in MW DC) of the resource.
Max_Cap_Wind_MW-1 (default) – no limit on maximum wind capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed wind capacity (in MW AC) of the resource.
Max_Cap_Elec_MW-1 (default) – no limit on maximum electrolyzer capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed electrolyzer capacity (in MW AC) of the resource.
Max_Cap_Discharge_DC_MW-1 (default) – no limit on maximum DC discharge capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed DC discharge capacity (in MW DC) of the resource with STOR_DC_DISCHARGE = 2.
Max_Cap_Charge_DC_MW-1 (default) – no limit on maximum DC charge capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed DC charge capacity (in MW DC) of the resource with STOR_DC_CHARGE = 2.
Max_Cap_Discharge_AC_MW-1 (default) – no limit on maximum AC discharge capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed AC discharge capacity (in MW AC) of the resource with STOR_AC_DISCHARGE = 2.
Max_Cap_Charge_AC_MW-1 (default) – no limit on maximum AC charge capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed AC charge capacity (in MW AC) of the resource with STOR_AC_CHARGE = 2.
Min_Cap_Inverter_MW-1 (default) – no limit on minimum inverter capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed inverter capacity (in MW AC) of the resource.
Min_Cap_Solar_MW-1 (default) – no limit on minimum solar PV capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed solar PV capacity (in MW DC) of the resource.
Min_Cap_Wind_MW-1 (default) – no limit on minimum wind capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed wind capacity (in MW AC) of the resource.
Min_Cap_Elec_MW-1 (default) – no limit on minimum electrolyzer capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed electrolyzer capacity (in MW AC) of the resource.
Min_Cap_Discharge_DC_MW-1 (default) – no limit on minimum DC discharge capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed DC discharge capacity (in MW DC) of the resource with STOR_DC_DISCHARGE = 2.
Min_Cap_Charge_DC_MW-1 (default) – no limit on minimum DC charge capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed DC charge capacity (in MW DC) of the resource with STOR_DC_CHARGE = 2.
Min_Cap_Discharge_AC_MW-1 (default) – no limit on minimum AC discharge capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed AC discharge capacity (in MW AC) of the resource with STOR_AC_DISCHARGE = 2.
Min_Cap_Charge_AC_MW-1 (default) – no limit on minimum AC charge capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed AC charge capacity (in MW AC) of the resource with STOR_AC_CHARGE = 2.
Cost parameters
Inv_Cost_per_MWyrAnnualized capacity investment cost of the grid connection (/MW/year).
Inv_Cost_per_MWhyrAnnualized investment cost of the energy capacity for the co-located storage resource (/MW/year)
Fixed_OM_Cost_per_MWyrFixed operations and maintenance cost of the grid connection (/MW/year).
Fixed_OM_Cost_per_MWhyrFixed operations and maintenance cost of the energy component of the co-located storage resource. (/MWh/year).
Inv_Cost_Inverter_per_MWyrAnnualized capacity investment cost of the inverter component (/MW-AC/year).
Inv_Cost_Solar_per_MWyrAnnualized capacity investment cost of the solar PV component (/MW-DC/year).
Inv_Cost_Wind_per_MWyrAnnualized capacity investment cost of the wind component (/MW-AC/year).
Inv_Cost_Elec_per_MWyrAnnualized capacity investment cost of the electrolyzer component (/MW-AC/year).
Inv_Cost_Discharge_DC_per_MWyrAnnualized capacity investment cost for the discharging portion of a storage technology with STOR_DC_DISCHARGE = 2 (/MW-DC/year).
Inv_Cost_Charge_DC_per_MWyrAnnualized capacity investment cost for the charging portion of a storage technology with STOR_DC_CHARGE = 2 (/MW-DC/year).
Inv_Cost_Discharge_AC_per_MWyrAnnualized capacity investment cost for the discharging portion of a storage technology with STOR_AC_DISCHARGE = 2 (/MW-AC/year).
Inv_Cost_Charge_AC_per_MWyrAnnualized capacity investment cost for the charging portion of a storage technology with STOR_AC_CHARGE = 2 (/MW-AC/year).
Fixed_OM_Inverter_Cost_per_MWyrFixed operations and maintenance cost of the inverter component (/MW-AC/year).
Fixed_OM_Solar_Cost_per_MWyrFixed operations and maintenance cost of the solar PV component (/MW-DC/year).
Fixed_OM_Wind_Cost_per_MWyrFixed operations and maintenance cost of the wind component (/MW-AC/year).
Fixed_OM_Elec_Cost_per_MWyrFixed operations and maintenance cost of the electrolyzer component (/MW-AC/year).
Fixed_OM_Cost_Discharge_DC_per_MWyrFixed operations and maintenance cost of the discharging component of a storage technology with STOR_DC_DISCHARGE = 2 (/MW-DC/year).
Fixed_OM_Cost_Charge_DC_per_MWyrFixed operations and maintenance cost of the charging component of a storage technology with STOR_DC_CHARGE = 2 (/MW-DC/year).
Fixed_OM_Cost_Discharge_AC_per_MWyrFixed operations and maintenance cost of the discharging component of a storage technology with STOR_AC_DISCHARGE = 2 (/MW-AC/year).
Fixed_OM_Cost_Charge_AC_per_MWyrFixed operations and maintenance cost of the charging component of a storage technology with STOR_AC_CHARGE = 2 (/MW-AC/year).
Var_OM_Cost_per_MWh_SolarVariable operations and maintenance cost of the solar PV component (multiplied by the inverter efficiency for AC terms) (/MWh).
Var_OM_Cost_per_MWh_WindVariable operations and maintenance cost of the wind component (/MWh).
Var_OM_Cost_per_MWh_Discharge_DCVariable operations and maintenance cost of the discharging component of a storage technology with STOR_DC_DISCHARGE = 2 (multiplied by the inverter efficiency for AC terms) (/MWh).
Var_OM_Cost_per_MWh_Charge_DCVariable operations and maintenance cost of the charging component of a storage technology with STOR_DC_CHARGE = 2 (divided by the inverter efficiency for AC terms) (/MWh).
Var_OM_Cost_per_MWh_Discharge_ACVariable operations and maintenance cost of the discharging component of a storage technology with STOR_AC_DISCHARGE = 2 (/MWh).
Var_OM_Cost_per_MWh_Charge_ACVariable operations and maintenance cost of the charging component of a storage technology with STOR_AC_CHARGE = 2 (/MWh).
Technical performance parameters
Self_Disch[0,1], The power loss of storage component of each resource per hour (fraction loss per hour).
EtaInverter[0,1], Inverter efficiency representing losses from converting DC to AC power and vice versa for each technology
Inverter_Ratio_Solar-1 (default) - no required ratio between solar PV capacity built to inverter capacity built. If non-negative, represents the ratio of solar PV capacity built to inverter capacity built.
Inverter_Ratio_Wind-1 (default) - no required ratio between wind capacity built to grid connection capacity built. If non-negative, represents the ratio of wind capacity built to grid connection capacity built.
Power_to_Energy_ACThe power to energy conversion for the storage component for AC discharging/charging of symmetric storage resources.
Power_to_Energy_DCThe power to energy conversion for the storage component for DC discharging/charging of symmetric storage resources.
Eff_Up_DC[0,1], Efficiency of DC charging storage – applies to storage technologies (all STOR types).
Eff_Down_DC[0,1], Efficiency of DC discharging storage – applies to storage technologies (all STOR types).
Eff_Up_AC[0,1], Efficiency of AC charging storage – applies to storage technologies (all STOR types).
Eff_Down_AC[0,1], Efficiency of AC discharging storage – applies to storage technologies (all STOR types).
Ramp_Up_Percentage_Elec[0,1], Maximum increase in power output from between two periods (typically hours), reported as a fraction of nameplate capacity.
Ramp_Dn_Percentage_Elec[0,1], Maximum decrease in power output from between two periods (typically hours), reported as a fraction of nameplate capacity.
Min_Power_Elec[0,1], The minimum generation level for a unit as a fraction of total capacity. This value cannot be higher than the smallest time-dependent CF value for a resource in Generators_variability.csv.
Hydrogen_MWh_Per_Tonne_ElecElectrolyzer efficiency in megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity per metric tonne of hydrogen produced (MWh/t)
Hydrogen_Price_Per_Tonne_ElecPrice (or value) of hydrogen per metric tonne (/t)
Table 11b: Settings-specific columns in the Vre_stor.csv file

Column NameDescription
OperationalReserves = 1
Reg_CostCost of providing regulation reserves (/MW per time step/hour).
Rsv_CostCost of providing upwards spinning or contingency reserves (/MW per time step/hour).
Reg_Max[0,1], Fraction of nameplate capacity that can committed to provided regulation reserves. .
Rsv_Max[0,1], Fraction of nameplate capacity that can committed to provided upwards spinning or contingency reserves.

In addition to the files described above, the resources folder contains a folder called policy_assignments (the filename can be changed in the settings file) with the following files that are used to specify policy-related parameters for specific resources:

  1. Resource_energy_share_requirement.csv
  2. Resource_minimum_capacity_requirement.csv
  3. Resource_maximum_capacity_requirement.csv
  4. Resource_capacity_reserve_margin.csv
  5. Resource_hydrogen_demand.csv
  6. Resource_hourly_matching.csv

These files are optional and can be omitted if no policy-related settings are specified in the genx_settings.yml file. Also, not all the resources need to be included in these files, only those for which the policy applies.

The following table describes the columns in each of these four files.


The first column of each file must contain the resource name corresponding to a resource in one of the resource data files described above. Note that the order of resources in the policy files is not important.

This policy is applied when if EnergyShareRequirement > 0 in the settings file. * corresponds to the ith row of the file Energy_share_requirement.csv.

Table 12: Energy share requirement policy parameters in Resource_energy_share_requirement.csv

Column NameDescription
ResourceResource name corresponding to a resource in one of the resource data files described above.
ESR_*Flag to indicate which resources are considered for the Energy Share Requirement constraint.
1- included
0- excluded
co-located VRE-STOR resources only
ESRVreStor_*Flag to indicate which resources are considered for the Energy Share Requirement constraint.
1- included
0- excluded

This policy is applied when if MinCapReq = 1 in the settings file. * corresponds to the ith row of the file Minimum_capacity_requirement.csv.

Table 13: Minimum capacity requirement policy parameters in Resource_minimum_capacity_requirement.csv

Column NameDescription
ResourceResource name corresponding to a resource in one of the resource data files described above.
Min_Cap_*Flag to indicate which resources are considered for the Minimum Capacity Requirement constraint.
co-located VRE-STOR resources only
Min_Cap_Solar_*Eligibility of resources with a solar PV component (multiplied by the inverter efficiency for AC terms) to participate in Minimum Technology Carveout constraint.
Min_Cap_Wind_*Eligibility of resources with a wind component to participate in Minimum Technology Carveout constraint (AC terms).
Min_Cap_Stor_*Eligibility of resources with a storage component to participate in Minimum Technology Carveout constraint (discharge capacity in AC terms).

This policy is applied when if MaxCapReq = 1 in the settings file. * corresponds to the ith row of the file Maximum_capacity_requirement.csv.

Table 14: Maximum capacity requirement policy parameters in Resource_maximum_capacity_requirement.csv

Column NameDescription
ResourceResource name corresponding to a resource in one of the resource data files described above.
Max_Cap_*Flag to indicate which resources are considered for the Maximum Capacity Requirement constraint.
co-located VRE-STOR resources only
Max_Cap_Solar_*Eligibility of resources with a solar PV component (multiplied by the inverter efficiency for AC terms) to participate in Maximum Technology Carveout constraint.
Max_Cap_Wind_*Eligibility of resources with a wind component to participate in Maximum Technology Carveout constraint (AC terms).
Max_Cap_Stor_*Eligibility of resources with a storage component to participate in Maximum Technology Carveout constraint (discharge capacity in AC terms).

This policy is applied when if CapacityReserveMargin > 0 in the settings file. * corresponds to the ith row of the file Capacity_reserve_margin.csv.

Table 15: Capacity reserve margin policy parameters in Resource_capacity_reserve_margin.csv

Column NameDescription
ResourceResource name corresponding to a resource in one of the resource data files described above.
Derating_Factor_*Fraction of the resource capacity eligible for contributing to the capacity reserve margin constraint (e.g. derate factor).

This policy is applied when if HydrogenMinimumProduction = 1 in the settings file. * corresponds to the ith row of the file Hydrogen_demand.csv.

Table 16: Hydrogen demand policy parameters in Resource_hydrogen_demand.csv

Column NameDescription
ResourceResource name corresponding to a resource in one of the resource data files described above.
H2_Demand_*Flag to indicate which resources are considered for the Hydrogen Demand constraint.

This policy is applied when if HourlyMatching = 1 in the settings file.

Table 17: Hourly matching policy parameters in Resource_hourly_matching.csv

Column NameDescription
ResourceResource name corresponding to a resource in one of the resource data files described above.
Qualified_SupplyFlag to indicate which resources are eligible to supply the generation in the same zone.

In addition to the files described above, the resources folder can contain additional files that are used to specify attributes for specific resources and modules. Currently, the following files are supported:

Resource_multistage_data.csv: mandatory if MultiStage = 1 in the settings file


The first column of each additional module file must contain the resource name corresponding to a resource in one of the resource data files described above. Note that the order of resources in these files is not important.

Table 18: Multistage parameters

This file is mandatory if MultiStage = 1 in the settings file.

Column NameDescription
ResourceResource name corresponding to a resource in one of the resource data files described above.
Capital_Recovery_PeriodCapital recovery period (in years) used for determining overnight capital costs from annualized investment costs. Note that for co-located VRE-STOR resources, this value pertains to the grid connection.
LifetimeLifetime (in years) used for determining endogenous retirements of newly built capacity. Note that the same lifetime is used for each component of a co-located VRE-STOR resource.
Min_Retired_Cap_MWMinimum required discharge capacity retirements in the current model period. This field can be used to enforce lifetime retirements of existing capacity. Note that for co-located VRE-STOR resources, this value pertains to the grid connection.
Min_Retired_Energy_Cap_MWMinimum required energy capacity retirements in the current model period. This field can be used to enforce lifetime retirements of existing energy capacity. Note that for co-located VRE-STOR resources, this value pertains to the storage component.
Min_Retired_Charge_Cap_MWMinimum required energy capacity retirements in the current model period. This field can be used to enforce lifetime retirements of existing charge capacity.
Contribute_Min_Retirement{0, 1}, Flag to indicate whether the (retrofitting) resource can contribute to the minimum retirement requirement.
co-located VRE-STOR resources only
Capital_Recovery_Period_DCCapital recovery period (in years) used for determining overnight capital costs from annualized investment costs for the inverter component.
Capital_Recovery_Period_SolarCapital recovery period (in years) used for determining overnight capital costs from annualized investment costs for the solar PV component.
Capital_Recovery_Period_WindCapital recovery period (in years) used for determining overnight capital costs from annualized investment costs for the wind component.
Capital_Recovery_Period_ElecCapital recovery period (in years) used for determining overnight capital costs from annualized investment costs for the electrolyzer component.
Capital_Recovery_PeriodDischargeDCCapital recovery period (in years) used for determining overnight capital costs from annualized investment costs for the discharge DC component when STOR_DC_DISCHARGE = 2.
Capital_Recovery_PeriodChargeDCCapital recovery period (in years) used for determining overnight capital costs from annualized investment costs for the charge DC component when STOR_DC_CHARGE = 2.
Capital_Recovery_PeriodDischargeACCapital recovery period (in years) used for determining overnight capital costs from annualized investment costs for the discharge AC component when STOR_AC_DISCHARGE = 2.
Capital_Recovery_PeriodChargeACCapital recovery period (in years) used for determining overnight capital costs from annualized investment costs for the charge AC component when STOR_AC_CHARGE = 2.
Min_Retired_Cap_Inverter_MWMinimum required inverter capacity retirements in the current model period. This field can be used to enforce lifetime retirements of existing capacity.
Min_Retired_Cap_Solar_MWMinimum required solar capacity retirements in the current model period. This field can be used to enforce lifetime retirements of existing capacity.
Min_Retired_Cap_Wind_MWMinimum required wind capacity retirements in the current model period. This field can be used to enforce lifetime retirements of existing capacity.
Min_Retired_Cap_Elec_MWMinimum required electrolyzer capacity retirements in the current model period. This field can be used to enforce lifetime retirements of existing capacity.
Min_Retired_Cap_DischargeDC\MWMinimum required discharge capacity retirements in the current model period for storage resources with STOR_DC_DISCHARGE = 2. This field can be used to enforce lifetime retirements of existing capacity.
Min_Retired_Cap_ChargeDC\MWMinimum required charge capacity retirements in the current model period for storage resources with STOR_DC_CHARGE = 2. This field can be used to enforce lifetime retirements of existing capacity.
Min_Retired_Cap_DischargeAC\MWMinimum required discharge capacity retirements in the current model period for storage resources with STOR_AC_DISCHARGE = 2. This field can be used to enforce lifetime retirements of existing capacity.
Min_Retired_Cap_ChargeAC\MWMinimum required charge capacity retirements in the current model period for storage resources with STOR_AC_CHARGE = 2. This field can be used to enforce lifetime retirements of existing capacity.
WACC_DCThe line-specific weighted average cost of capital for the inverter component.
WACC_SolarThe line-specific weighted average cost of capital for the solar PV component.
WACC_WindThe line-specific weighted average cost of capital for the wind component.
WACC_ElecThe line-specific weighted average cost of capital for the electrolyzer component.
WACC_Discharge_DCThe line-specific weighted average cost of capital for the discharging DC storage component with STOR_DC_DISCHARGE = 2.
WACC_Charge_DCThe line-specific weighted average cost of capital for the charging DC storage component with STOR_DC_CHARGE = 2.
WACC_Discharge_ACThe line-specific weighted average cost of capital for the discharging AC storage component with STOR_AC_DISCHARGE = 2.
WACC_Charge_ACThe line-specific weighted average cost of capital for the charging AC storage component with STOR_AC_CHARGE = 2.

1.5 Generator_variability.csv

This file contains the time-series of capacity factors / availability of each resource included in the resource .csv file in the resources folder for each time step (e.g. hour) modeled.

  1. First column: The first column contains the time index of each row (starting in the second row) from 1 to N.
  2. Second column onwards: Resources are listed from the second column onward with headers matching each resource name in the resource .csv file in the resources folder in any order. The availability for each resource at each time step is defined as a fraction of installed capacity and should be between 0 and 1. Note that for this reason, resource names specified in the resource .csv file must be unique. Note that for Hydro reservoir resources (i.e. Hydro.csv), values in this file correspond to inflows (in MWhs) to the hydro reservoir as a fraction of installed power capacity, rather than hourly capacity factor. Note that for co-located VRE and storage resources, solar PV and wind resource profiles should not be located in this file but rather in separate variability files (these variabilities can be in the Generators_variability.csv if time domain reduction functionalities will be utilized because the time domain reduction functionalities will separate the files after the clustering is completed).
Table 19: Structure of the Generator_variability.csv file

Column NameDescription
ResourceResource name corresponding to a resource in one of the resource data files described above.
Self_Disch[0,1], The power loss of storage technologies per hour (fraction loss per hour)- only applies to storage techs. Note that for co-located VRE-STOR resources, this value applies to the storage component of each resource.
Min_Power[0,1], The minimum generation level for a unit as a fraction of total capacity. This value cannot be higher than the smallest time-dependent CF value for a resource in Generators_variability.csv. Applies to thermal plants, and reservoir hydro resource (HYDRO = 1).
Ramp_Up_Percentage[0,1], Maximum increase in power output from between two periods (typically hours), reported as a fraction of nameplate capacity. Applies to thermal plants, and reservoir hydro resource (HYDRO = 1).
Ramp_Dn_Percentage[0,1], Maximum decrease in power output from between two periods (typically hours), reported as a fraction of nameplate capacity. Applies to thermal plants, and reservoir hydro resource (HYDRO = 1).
Eff_Up[0,1], Efficiency of charging storage – applies to storage technologies (all STOR types except co-located storage resources).
Eff_Down[0,1], Efficiency of discharging storage – applies to storage technologies (all STOR types except co-located storage resources).
Min_DurationSpecifies the minimum ratio of installed energy to discharged power capacity that can be installed. Applies to STOR types 1 and 2 (hours). Note that for co-located VRE-STOR resources, this value does not apply.
Max_DurationSpecifies the maximum ratio of installed energy to discharged power capacity that can be installed. Applies to STOR types 1 and 2 (hours). Note that for co-located VRE-STOR resources, this value does not apply.
Max_Flexible_Demand_DelayMaximum number of hours that demand can be deferred or delayed. Applies to resources with FLEX type 1 (hours).
Max_Flexible_Demand_AdvanceMaximum number of hours that demand can be scheduled in advance of the original schedule. Applies to resources with FLEX type 1 (hours).
Flexible_Demand_Energy_Eff[0,1], Energy efficiency associated with time shifting demand. Represents energy losses due to time shifting (or 'snap back' effect of higher consumption due to delay in use) that may apply to some forms of flexible demand. Applies to resources with FLEX type 1 (hours). For example, one may need to pre-cool a building more than normal to advance demand.

1.6 Vre_and_stor_solar_variability.csv

This file contains the time-series of capacity factors / availability of the solar PV component (DC capacity factors) of each co-located resource included in the Vre_and_stor_data.csv file for each time step (e.g. hour) modeled.

• first column: The first column contains the time index of each row (starting in the second row) from 1 to N.

• Second column onwards: Resources are listed from the second column onward with headers matching each resource name in the Vre_stor.csv files in any order. The availability for each resource at each time step is defined as a fraction of installed capacity and should be between 0 and 1. Note that for this reason, resource names specified in all the resource .csv files must be unique.

1.7 Vre_and_stor_wind_variability.csv

This file contains the time-series of capacity factors / availability of the wind component (AC capacity factors) of each co-located resource included in the Vre_and_stor_data.csv file for each time step (e.g. hour) modeled.

• First column: The first column contains the time index of each row (starting in the second row) from 1 to N.

• Second column onwards: Resources are listed from the second column onward with headers matching each resource name in the Vre_stor.csv files in any order. The availability for each resource at each time step is defined as a fraction of installed capacity and should be between 0 and 1. Note that for this reason, resource names specified in all the resource .csv files must be unique.

2. Optional inputs files

2.1 Operational_reserves.csv

This file includes parameter inputs needed to model time-dependent procurement of regulation and spinning reserves. This file is needed if OperationalReserves flag is activated in the YAML file genx_settings.yml.

Table 20: Structure of the Operational_reserves.csv file

Column NameDescription
Reg_Req_Percent_Demand[0,1], Regulation requirement as a percent of time-dependent demand; here demand is the total across all model zones.
Reg_Req_Percent_VRE[0,1], Regulation requirement as a percent of time-dependent wind and solar generation (summed across all model zones).
Rsv_Req_Percent_Demand [0,1],Spinning up or contingency reserve requirement as a percent of time-dependent demand (which is summed across all zones).
Rsv_Req_Percent_VRE[0,1], Spinning up or contingency reserve requirement as a percent of time-dependent wind and solar generation (which is summed across all zones).
Unmet_Rsv_Penalty_Dollar_per_MWPenalty for not meeting time-dependent spinning reserve requirement (/MW per time step).
Dynamic_ContingencyFlags to include capacity (generation or transmission) contingency to be added to the spinning reserve requirement.
Dynamic_Contingency= 1: contingency set to be equal to largest installed thermal unit (only applied when UCommit = 1).
= 2: contingency set to be equal to largest committed thermal unit each time period (only applied when UCommit = 1).
Static_Contingency_MWA fixed static contingency in MW added to reserve requirement. Applied when UCommit = 1 and DynamicContingency = 0, or when UCommit = 2. Contingency term not included in operating reserve requirement when this value is set to 0 and DynamicContingency is not active.

2.2 Energy_share_requirement.csv

This file contains inputs specifying minimum energy share requirement policies, such as Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) or Clean Energy Standard (CES) policies. This file is needed if parameter EnergyShareRequirement has a non-zero value in the YAML file genx_settings.yml.

Note: this file should use the same region name as specified in the the resource .csv file (inside the Resource).

Table 21: Structure of the Energy_share_requirement.csv file

Column NameDescription
Region_descriptionRegion name
Network_zoneszone number represented as z*
ESR_*[0,1], Energy share requirements as a share of zonal demand (calculated on an annual basis). * represents the number of the ESR constraint, given by the number of ESR_* columns in the Energy_share_requirement.csv file.

2.3 CO2_cap.csv

This file contains inputs specifying CO2 emission limits policies (e.g. emissions cap and permit trading programs). This file is needed if CO2Cap flag is activated in the YAML file genx_settings.yml. CO2Cap flag set to 1 represents mass-based (tCO2 ) emission target. CO2Cap flag set to 2 is specified when emission target is given in terms of rate (tCO2/MWh) and is based on total demand met. CO2Cap flag set to 3 is specified when emission target is given in terms of rate (tCO2 /MWh) and is based on total generation.

Table 22: Structure of the CO2_cap.csv file

Column NameDescription
Region_descriptionRegion name
Network_zoneszone number represented as z*
CO_2_Cap_Zone_*If a zone is eligible for the emission limit constraint, then this column is set to 1, else 0.
CO_2_Max_tons_MWh_*Emission limit in terms of rate
CO_2_Max_Mtons_*Emission limit in absolute values, in Million of tons
where in the above inputs, * represents the number of the emission limit constraints. For example, if the model has 2 emission limit constraints applied separately for 2 zones, the above CSV file will have 2 columns for specifying emission limit in terms on rate: CO_2_Max_tons_MWh_1 and CO_2_Max_tons_MWh_2.

2.4 Capacity_reserve_margin.csv

This file contains the regional capacity reserve margin requirements. This file is needed if parameter CapacityReserveMargin has a non-zero value in the YAML file genx_settings.yml.

Note: this file should use the same region name as specified in the resource .csv file (inside the Resource).

Table 23: Structure of the Capacity_reserve_margin.csv file

Column NameDescription
Region_descriptionRegion name
Network_zoneszone number represented as z*
CapRes_*[0,1], Capacity reserve margin requirements of a zone, reported as a fraction of demand

2.5 Minimum_capacity_requirement.csv

This file contains the minimum capacity carve-out requirement to be imposed (e.g. a storage capacity mandate or offshore wind capacity mandate). This file is needed if the MinCapReq flag has a non-zero value in the YAML file genx_settings.yml.

Table 24: Structure of the Minimum_capacity_requirement.csv file

Column NameDescription
MinCapReqConstraintIndex of the minimum capacity carve-out requirement.
Constraint_DescriptionNames of minimum capacity carve-out constraints; not to be read by model, but used as a helpful notation to the model user.
Min_MWminimum capacity requirement [MW]

Some of the columns specified in the input files in Section 2.2 and 2.1 are not used in the GenX model formulation. These columns are necessary for interpreting the model outputs and used in the output module of the GenX.

2.6 Maximum_capacity_requirement.csv

This contains the maximum capacity limits to be imposed (e.g. limits on total deployment of solar, wind, or batteries in the system as a whole or in certain collections of zones). It is required if the MaxCapReq flag has a non-zero value in genx_settings.yml.

Table 25: Structure of the Maximum_capacity_requirement.csv file

Column NameDescription
MaxCapReqConstraintIndex of the maximum capacity limit.
Constraint_DescriptionNames of maximum capacity limit; not to be read by model, but used as a helpful notation to the model user.
Max_MWmaximum capacity limit [MW]

Some of the columns specified in the input files in Section 2.2 and 2.1 are not used in the GenX model formulation. These columns are necessary for interpreting the model outputs and used in the output module of the GenX.

2.7 Method_of_morris_range.csv

This file contains the settings parameters required to run the Method of Morris algorithm in GenX. This file is needed if the MethodofMorris flag is ON in the YAML file genx_settings.yml.

Table 26: Structure of the Method_of_morris_range.csv file

Column NameDescription
ResourceThis column contains unique names of resources available to the model. Resources can include generators, storage, and flexible or time shiftable demand/loads.
ZoneInteger representing zone number where the resource is located.
Lower_boundPercentage lower deviation from the nominal value
Upper_boundPercentage upper deviation from the nominal value
ParameterColumn from the resource .csv file (inside the Resource) containing uncertain parameters
GroupGroup the uncertain parameters that will be changed all at once while performing the sensitivity analysis. For example, if the fuel price of natural gas is uncertain, all generators consuming natural gas should be in the same group. Group name is user defined
p_stepsNumber of steps between upper and lower bound
total_num_trajectoryTotal number of trakectories through the design matrix
num_trajectorySelected number of trajectories throigh the design matrix
len_design_matLength of the design matrix
policyName of the policy
  1. Upper and lower bounds are specified in terms of percentage deviation from the nominal value.
  2. Percentage variation for uncertain parameters in a given group is identical. For example, if solar cluster 1 and solar cluster 2 both belong to the ‘solar’ group, their Lowerbound and Upperbound must be identical
  3. P_steps should at least be = 1\%, i.e., Upper_bound – Lower_bound $<$ p_steps
  4. P_steps for parameters in one group must be identical
  5. Total_num_trajectory should be around 3 to 4 times the total number of uncertain parameters
  6. num_trajectory should be approximately equal to the total number of uncertain parameters
  7. len_design_mat should be 1.5 to 2 times the total number of uncertain parameters
  8. Higher number of num_trajectory and lendesignmat would lead to higher accuracy
  9. Upper and lower bounds should be specified for all the resources included in the resource .csv file (inside the Resource). If a parameter related to a particular resource is not uncertain, specify upper bound = lower bound = 0.

2.8 Hydrogen_demand.csv

This file contains inputs specifying regional hydrogen production requirements. This file is needed if electrolyzer.csv is included in the resources folder or there are electrolyzer components in Vre_stor.csv.

Table 27: Structure of the Hydrogen_demand.csv file

Column NameDescription
H2DemandConstraintIndex of the hydrogen demand constraint.
Constraint_DescriptionNames of hydrogen demand constraints; not to be read by model, but used as a helpful notation to the model user.
Hydrogen_Demand_ktHydrogen production requirements in 1,000 tons
PriceCapPrice of hydrogen per metric ton (/t)