Tutorial 2: Network Visualization

Interactive Notebook of the tutorial

To run GenX, there are five mandatory input files: Fuels_data.csv, Network.csv, Demand_data.csv, Generators_variability.csv, and Generators_data.csv (note that Network.csv is not mandatory if running a single-zone model). Detailed descriptions of these files can be found in the GenX Inputs page of the documentation. This tutorial helps visualize the file Network.csv using the example system example_systems/1_three_zones.

using CSV
using DataFrames

The input file Network.csv contains the nodes of your network, how they connect to each other, and some important features about them. Below is the network file for example_systems/1_three_zones:

network = CSV.read("example_systems/1_three_zones/system/Network.csv",DataFrame,missingstring="NA")
3×14 DataFrame

MA, CT, and ME are the abbreviations for states Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Maine. However, since the US region of New England contains other states as well, MA in this case is also used to refer to those states.

Columns Start_Zone and End_Zone specify the network of the three regions. In this case, there are only two network lines, specified in the Network_Lines columns. The Start_Zone column indicates that the first node, MA, is the source of both lines as both rows have value 1. Rows z1 and z2 have values of 2 and 3 in End_Zone, which means both nodes CT and ME recieve energy from node MA. This is also indicated in the column `transmission path name'.

Below is a visualization of the network:
