Method_of_morris_range.csv (Example)

This file contains the settings parameters required to run the Method of Morris algorithm in GenX.


This file is needed if the MethodofMorris flag is ON in the YAML file genx_settings.yml.

Column NameDescription
ResourceThis column contains unique names of resources available to the model. Resources can include generators, storage, and flexible or time shiftable demand.
ZoneInteger representing zone number where the resource is located.
Lower_boundPercentage lower deviation from the nominal value
Upper_boundPercentage upper deviation from the nominal value
ParameterColumn from the Generators_data.csv file containing uncertain parameters
GroupGroup the uncertain parameters that will be changed all at once while performing the sensitivity analysis. For example, if the fuel price of natural gas is uncertain, all generators consuming natural gas should be in the same group. Group name is user defined
p_stepsNumber of steps between upper and lower bound
total_num_trajectoryTotal number of trakectories through the design matrix
num_trajectorySelected number of trajectories throigh the design matrix
len_design_matLength of the design matrix
policyName of the policy


  1. Upper and lower bounds are specified in terms of percentage deviation from the nominal value.
  2. Percentage variation for uncertain parameters in a given group is identical. For example, if solar cluster 1 and solar cluster 2 both belong to the ‘solar’ group, their Lower_bound and Upper_bound must be identical.
  3. P_steps should at least be = 1%, i.e., Upper_bound – Lower_bound < p_steps
  4. P_steps for parameters in one group must be identical
  5. Total_num_trajectory should be around 3 to 4 times the total number of uncertain parameters
  6. num_trajectory should be approximately equal to the total number of uncertain parameters
  7. len_design_mat should be 1.5 to 2 times the total number of uncertain parameters
  8. Higher number of num_trajectory and len_design_mat would lead to higher accuracy
  9. Upper and lower bounds should be specified for all the resources included in the Generators_data.csv file. If a parameter related to a particular resource is not uncertain, specify upper bound = lower bound = 0.