Configuring the Solvers

configure_solver(solver_settings_path::String, optimizer::Any)

This method returns a solver-specific MathOptInterface.OptimizerWithAttributes optimizer instance to be used in the GenX.generate\_model() method.


  • solver_settings_path::String: specifies the path to the directory that contains the settings YAML file for the specified solver.
  • optimizer::Any: the optimizer instance to be configured.

Currently supported solvers include: "Gurobi", "CPLEX", "Clp", "Cbc", or "SCIP"


  • optimizer::MathOptInterface.OptimizerWithAttributes: the configured optimizer instance.

Return the name (String) of the solver to be used in the GenX.configure_solver method according to the solver imported by the user.

rename_keys(attributes:Dict, new_key_names::Dict)

Renames the keys of the attributes dictionary based on old->new pairs in the newkeynames dictionary.


Configuring HiGHS


Reads user-specified solver settings from highs_settings.yml in the directory specified by the string solver_settings_path.

Returns a MathOptInterface.OptimizerWithAttributes HiGHS optimizer instance to be used in the GenX.generate_model() method.

The HiGHS optimizer instance is configured with the following default parameters if a user-specified parameter for each respective field is not provided: All the references are in,, and

# HiGHS Solver Parameters
# Common solver settings
Feasib_Tol: 1.0e-06        # Primal feasibility tolerance # [type: double, advanced: false, range: [1e-10, inf], default: 1e-07]
Optimal_Tol: 1.0e-03       # Dual feasibility tolerance # [type: double, advanced: false, range: [1e-10, inf], default: 1e-07]
TimeLimit: Inf             # Time limit # [type: double, advanced: false, range: [0, inf], default: inf]
Pre_Solve: choose          # Presolve option: "off", "choose" or "on" # [type: string, advanced: false, default: "choose"]
Method: ipm #choose        #HiGHS-specific solver settings # Solver option: "simplex", "choose" or "ipm" # [type: string, advanced: false, default: "choose"] In order to run a case when the UCommit is set to 1, i.e. MILP instance, set the Method to choose

# IPM optimality tolerance
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [1e-12, inf], default: 1e-08]
ipm_optimality_tolerance: 1e-08

# Run the crossover routine for IPX
# [type: string, advanced: "on", range: {"off", "on"}, default: "off"]
run_crossover: "off"

# tolerance on relative gap, |ub-lb|/|ub|, to determine whether optimality has been reached for a MIP instance
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [0, inf], default: 0.0001]
mip_rel_gap: 0.0001

# tolerance on absolute gap of MIP, |ub-lb|, to determine whether optimality has been reached for a MIP instance
# [type: double, advanced: false, range: [0, inf], default: 1e-06]
mip_abs_gap: 1e-06

Configuring Gurobi


Reads user-specified solver settings from gurobi_settings.yml in the directory specified by the string solver_settings_path.

Returns a MathOptInterface.OptimizerWithAttributes Gurobi optimizer instance to be used in the GenX.generate_model() method.

The Gurobi optimizer instance is configured with the following default parameters if a user-specified parameter for each respective field is not provided:

  • FeasibilityTol = 1e-6 (Constraint (primal) feasibility tolerances. See
  • OptimalityTol = 1e-4 (Dual feasibility tolerances. See
  • Presolve = -1 (Controls presolve level. See
  • AggFill = -1 (Allowed fill during presolve aggregation. See
  • PreDual = -1 (Presolve dualization. See
  • TimeLimit = Inf (Limits total time solver. See
  • MIPGap = 1e-4 (Relative (p.u. of optimal) mixed integer optimality tolerance for MIP problems (ignored otherwise). See
  • Crossover = -1 (Barrier crossver strategy. See
  • Method = -1 (Algorithm used to solve continuous models (including MIP root relaxation). See
  • BarConvTol = 1e-8 (Barrier convergence tolerance (determines when barrier terminates). See
  • NumericFocus = 0 (Numerical precision emphasis. See

Configuring CPLEX


Reads user-specified solver settings from cplex_settings.yml in the directory specified by the string solver_settings_path.

Returns a MathOptInterface.OptimizerWithAttributes CPLEX optimizer instance.

The optimizer instance is configured with the following default parameters if a user-specified parameter for each respective field is not provided:

  • Feasib_Tol,

    sets CPX_PARAM_EPRHS. Control the primal feasibility tolerance. Default is 1e-6.

  • Optimal_Tol,

    sets CPX_PARAM_EPOPT. Control the optimality tolerance. Default is 1e-4.

  • AggFill,

    sets CPX_PARAM_AGGFILL. Control the allowed fill during presolve aggregation. Default is 10.

  • PreDual,

    sets CPX_PARAM_PREDUAL. Decides whether presolve should pass the primal or dual linear programming problem to the LP optimization algorithm. Default is 0.

  • TimeLimit,

    sets CPX_PARAM_TILIM. Limits total solver time. Default is 1e+75.

  • MIPGap,

    sets CPX_PARAM_EPGAP Relative (p.u. of optimal) mixed integer optimality tolerance for MIP problems (ignored otherwise). Default is 1e-3.

  • Method,

    sets CPX_PARAM_LPMETHOD. Algorithm used to solve continuous models (including MIP root relaxation) Default is 0.

  • BarConvTol,

    sets CPX_PARAM_BAREPCOMP. Barrier convergence tolerance (determines when barrier terminates). Default is 1e-8.

  • NumericFocus,

    sets CPX_PARAM_NUMERICALEMPHASIS. Numerical precision emphasis. Default is 0.

  • BarObjRng,

    sets CPX_PARAM_BAROBJRNG. The maximum absolute value of the objective function. Default is 1e+75.

  • SolutionType,

    sets CPX_PARAM_SOLUTIONTYPE. Solution type for LP or QP. Default is 2.

The optimizer instance is configured with the following default parameters if a user-specified parameter for each respective field is not provided:

Any other attributes in the settings file (which typically start with CPX_PARAM_) will also be passed to the solver.


Configuring Clp


Reads user-specified solver settings from clp_settings.yml in the directory specified by the string solver_settings_path.

Returns a MathOptInterface.OptimizerWithAttributes Clp optimizer instance to be used in the GenX.generate_model() method.

The Clp optimizer instance is configured with the following default parameters if a user-specified parameter for each respective field is not provided:

  • PrimalTolerance = 1e-7 (Primal feasibility tolerance)
  • DualTolerance = 1e-7 (Dual feasibility tolerance)
  • DualObjectiveLimit = 1e308 (When using dual simplex (where the objective is monotonically changing), terminate when the objective exceeds this limit)
  • MaximumIterations = 2147483647 (Terminate after performing this number of simplex iterations)
  • MaximumSeconds = -1.0 (Terminate after this many seconds have passed. A negative value means no time limit)
  • LogLevel = 1 (Set to 1, 2, 3, or 4 for increasing output. Set to 0 to disable output)
  • PresolveType = 0 (Set to 1 to disable presolve)
  • SolveType = 5 (Solution method: dual simplex (0), primal simplex (1), sprint (2), barrier with crossover (3), barrier without crossover (4), automatic (5))
  • InfeasibleReturn = 0 (Set to 1 to return as soon as the problem is found to be infeasible (by default, an infeasibility proof is computed as well))
  • Scaling = 3 (0 0ff, 1 equilibrium, 2 geometric, 3 auto, 4 dynamic (later))
  • Perturbation = 100 (switch on perturbation (50), automatic (100), don't try perturbing (102))

Configuring Cbc


Reads user-specified solver settings from cbc_settings.yml in the directory specified by the string solver_settings_path.

Returns a MathOptInterface.OptimizerWithAttributes Cbc optimizer instance to be used in the GenX.generate_model() method.

The Cbc optimizer instance is configured with the following default parameters if a user-specified parameter for each respective field is not provided:

  • seconds = 1e-6
  • logLevel = 1e-6
  • maxSolutions = -1
  • maxNodes = -1
  • allowableGap = -1
  • ratioGap = Inf
  • threads = 1

Configuring SCIP


Reads user-specified solver settings from scip_settings.yml in the directory specified by the string solver_settings_path.

Returns a MathOptInterface.OptimizerWithAttributes SCIP optimizer instance to be used in the GenX.generate_model() method.

The SCIP optimizer instance is configured with the following default parameters if a user-specified parameter for each respective field is not provided:

  • Dispverblevel = 0
  • limitsgap = 0.05