
retrofit(EP::Model, inputs::Dict)

This function defines the constraints for operation of retrofit technologies, including but not limited to carbon capture and thermal energy storage.

For retrofittable source technologies $y$ and retrofit technologies $r$ in the same region $z$ and retrofit cluster $id$, (i.e. $y \in RS(id)$ and $r \in RO(id)$), the total retrofit capacity $\Omega_{r}$ that may be installed is constrained by the available retrofittable capacity $P_{y}$ as well as the efficiency ${ef}_{r}$ of the retrofit technology.

\[\begin{aligned} \sum_{y \in RS(id)}P_{y} = \sum_{r \in RO(id)}\frac{\Omega_{r}}{{ef}_{r}} \quad \quad \quad \quad \forall id \in {RETROFIT}, \end{aligned}\]

where ${RETROFIT}$ represents the set of all retrofit IDs (clusters) in the model and efficiency $ef_r$ is a scalar multiplier that denotes an 'exchange rate' between capacity of the original resource and any retrofit technologies (e.g. how many MW of resource B can be sited per MW of resource A retired).
