Model Notation

Model Indices and Sets

$t \in \mathcal{T}$where $t$ denotes an time step and $\mathcal{T}$ is the set of time steps over which grid operations are modeled
$\mathcal{T}^{interior} \subseteq \mathcal{T}^{}$where $\mathcal{T}^{interior}$ is the set of interior timesteps in the data series
$\mathcal{T}^{start} \subseteq \mathcal{T}$where $\mathcal{T}^{start}$ is the set of initial timesteps in the data series. $\mathcal{T}^{start}={1}$ when representing entire year as a single contiguous period; $\mathcal{T}^{start}=\{\left(m-1\right) \times \tau^{period}+1 | m \in \mathcal{M}\}$, which corresponds to the first time step of each representative period $m \in \mathcal{M}$
$n \in \mathcal{N}$where $n$ corresponds to a contiguous time period and $\mathcal{N}$ corresponds to the set of contiguous periods of length $\tau^{period}$ that make up the input time series (e.g. demand, variable renewable energy availability) to the model
$\mathcal{N}^{rep} \subseteq \mathcal{N}$where $\mathcal{N}^{rep}$ corresponds to the set of representative time periods that are selected from the set of contiguous periods, $\mathcal{M}$
$m \in \mathcal{M}$where $m$ corresponds to a representative time period and $\mathcal{M}$ corresponds to the set of representative time periods indexed as per their chronological ocurrence in the set of contiguous periods spanning the input time series data, i.e. $\mathcal{N}$
$z \in \mathcal{Z}$where $z$ denotes a zone and $\mathcal{Z}$ is the set of zones in the network
$l \in \mathcal{L}$where $l$ denotes a line and $\mathcal{L}$ is the set of transmission lines in the network
$y \in \mathcal{G}$where $y$ denotes a technology and $\mathcal{G}$ is the set of available technologies
$\mathcal{H} \subseteq \mathcal{G}$where $\mathcal{H}$ is the subset of thermal resources
$\mathcal{VRE} \subseteq \mathcal{G}$where $\mathcal{VRE}$ is the subset of curtailable Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) resources
$\overline{\mathcal{VRE}}^{y,z}$set of VRE resource bins for VRE technology type $y \in \mathcal{VRE}$ in zone $z$
$\mathcal{CE} \subseteq \mathcal{G}$where $\mathcal{CE}$ is the subset of resources qualifying for the clean energy standard policy constraint
$\mathcal{UC} \subseteq \mathcal{H}$where $\mathcal{UC}$ is the subset of thermal resources subject to unit commitment constraints
$s \in \mathcal{S}$where $s$ denotes a segment and $\mathcal{S}$ is the set of consumers segments for price-responsive demand curtailment
$\mathcal{O} \subseteq \mathcal{G}$where $\mathcal{O}$ is the subset of storage resources excluding heat storage and hydro storage
$o \in \mathcal{O}$where $o$ denotes a storage technology in a set $\mathcal{O}$
$\mathcal{O}^{sym} \subseteq \mathcal{O}$where $\mathcal{O}^{sym}$ corresponds to the set of energy storage technologies with equal (or symmetric) charge and discharge power capacities
$\mathcal{O}^{asym} \subseteq \mathcal{O}$where $\mathcal{O}^{asym}$ corresponds to the set of energy storage technologies with independently sized (or asymmetric) charge and discharge power capacities
$\mathcal{O}^{LDES} \subseteq \mathcal{O}$where $\mathcal{O}^{LDES}$ corresponds to the set of long-duration energy storage technologies for which inter-period energy exchange is permitted when using representative periods to model annual grid operations
$\mathcal{VS} \subseteq \mathcal{G}$where $\mathcal{VS}$ is the subset of co-located VRE and storage resources
$\mathcal{VS}^{pv} \subseteq \mathcal{VS}$where $\mathcal{VS}^{pv}$ corresponds to the set of co-located VRE and storage resources with a solar PV component
$\mathcal{VS}^{wind} \subseteq \mathcal{VS}$where $\mathcal{VS}^{wind}$ corresponds to the set of co-located VRE and storage resources with a wind component
$\mathcal{VS}^{elec} \subseteq \mathcal{VS}$where $\mathcal{VS}^{elec}$ corresponds to the set of co-located VRE and storage resources with an electrolyzer component
$\mathcal{VS}^{inv} \subseteq \mathcal{VS}$where $\mathcal{VS}^{inv}$ corresponds to the set of co-located VRE and storage resources with an inverter component
$\mathcal{VS}^{stor} \subseteq \mathcal{VS}$where $\mathcal{VS}^{stor}$ corresponds to the set of co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage component
$\mathcal{VS}^{sym, dc} \subseteq \mathcal{VS}$where $\mathcal{VS}^{sym, dc}$ corresponds to the set of co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage DC component with equal (or symmetric) charge and discharge power capacities
$\mathcal{VS}^{sym, ac} \subseteq \mathcal{VS}$where $\mathcal{VS}^{sym, ac}$ corresponds to the set of co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage AC component with equal (or symmetric) charge and discharge power capacities
$\mathcal{VS}^{asym, dc, dis} \subseteq \mathcal{VS}$where $\mathcal{VS}^{asym, dc, dis}$ corresponds to the set of co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage DC component with independently sized (or asymmetric) discharge power capabilities
$\mathcal{VS}^{asym, dc, cha} \subseteq \mathcal{VS}$where $\mathcal{VS}^{asym, dc, cha}$ corresponds to the set of co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage DC component with independently sized (or asymmetric) charge power capabilities
$\mathcal{VS}^{asym, ac, dis} \subseteq \mathcal{VS}$where $\mathcal{VS}^{asym, ac, dis}$ corresponds to the set of co-located VRE and storage with a storage AC component with independently sized (or asymmetric) discharge power capabilities
$\mathcal{VS}^{asym, ac, cha} \subseteq \mathcal{VS}$where $\mathcal{VS}^{asym, ac, cha}$ corresponds to the set of co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage AC component with independently sized (or asymmetric) charge power capabilities
$\mathcal{VS}^{LDES} \subseteq \mathcal{VS}$where $\mathcal{VS}^{LDES}$ corresponds to the set of co-located VRE and storage resources with a long-duration energy storage component for which inter-period energy exchange is permitted when using representative periods to model annual grid operations
$\mathcal{W} \subseteq \mathcal{G}$where $\mathcal{W}$ set of hydroelectric generators with water storage reservoirs
$\mathcal{W}^{nocap} \subseteq \mathcal{W}$where $\mathcal{W}^{nocap}$ is a subset of set of $ \mathcal{W}$ and represents resources with unknown reservoir capacity
$\mathcal{W}^{cap} \subseteq \mathcal{W}$where $\mathcal{W}^{cap}$ is a subset of set of $ \mathcal{W}$ and represents resources with known reservoir capacity
$\mathcal{MR} \subseteq \mathcal{G}$where $\mathcal{MR}$ set of must-run resources
$\mathcal{DF} \subseteq \mathcal{G}$where $\mathcal{DF}$ set of flexible demand resources
$\mathcal{ELECTROLYZER} \subseteq \mathcal{G}$where $\mathcal{ELECTROLYZER}$ set of electrolyzer resources (optional set)
$\mathcal{G}_p^{ESR} \subseteq \mathcal{G}$where $\mathcal{G}_p^{ESR}$ is a subset of $\mathcal{G}$ that is eligible for Energy Share Requirement (ESR) policy constraint $p$
$p \in \mathcal{P}$where $p$ denotes a instance in the policy set $\mathcal{P}$
$\mathcal{P}^{ESR} \subseteq \mathcal{P}$Energy Share Requirement type policies
$\mathcal{P}^{CO_2} \subseteq \mathcal{P}$CO$_2$ emission cap policies
$\mathcal{P}^{CO_2}_{mass} \subseteq \mathcal{P}^{CO_2}$CO$_2$ emissions limit policy constraints, mass-based
$\mathcal{P}^{CO_2}_{demand} \subseteq \mathcal{P}^{CO_2}$CO$_2$ emissions limit policy constraints, demand and emission-rate based
$\mathcal{P}^{CO_2}_{gen} \subseteq \mathcal{P}^{CO_2}$CO$_2$ emissions limit policy constraints, generation emission-rate based
$\mathcal{P}^{CRM} \subseteq \mathcal{P}$Capacity reserve margin (CRM) type policy constraints
$\mathcal{P}^{MinTech} \subseteq \mathcal{P}$Minimum Capacity Carve-out type policy constraint
$\mathcal{Z}^{ESR}_{p} \subseteq \mathcal{Z}$set of zones eligible for ESR policy constraint $p \in \mathcal{P}^{ESR}$
$\mathcal{Z}^{CRM}_{p} \subseteq \mathcal{Z}$set of zones that form the locational deliverable area for capacity reserve margin policy constraint $p \in \mathcal{P}^{CRM}$
$\mathcal{Z}^{CO_2}_{p,mass} \subseteq \mathcal{Z}$set of zones are under the emission cap mass-based cap-and-trade policy constraint $p \in \mathcal{P}^{CO_2}_{mass}$
$\mathcal{Z}^{CO_2}_{p,demand} \subseteq \mathcal{Z}$set of zones are under the emission cap demand-and-emission-rate based cap-and-trade policy constraint $p \in \mathcal{P}^{CO_2}_{demand}$
$\mathcal{Z}^{CO_2}_{p,gen} \subseteq \mathcal{Z}$set of zones are under the emission cap generation emission-rate based cap-and-trade policy constraint $p \in \mathcal{P}^{CO2,gen}$
$\mathcal{L}_p^{in} \subseteq \mathcal{L}$The subset of transmission lines entering Locational Deliverability Area of capacity reserve margin policy $p \in \mathcal{P}^{CRM}$
$\mathcal{L}_p^{out} \subseteq \mathcal{L}$The subset of transmission lines leaving Locational Deliverability Area of capacity reserve margin policy $p \in \mathcal{P}^{CRM}$
$\mathcal{Qualified} \subseteq \mathcal{G}$where $\mathcal{Qualified}$ is the subset of generation and storage resources eligible to supply electrolyzers within the same zone (optional set)

Decision Variables

$\Omega_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Installed capacity in terms of the number of units (each unit, being of size $\overline{\Omega}_{y,z}^{size}$) of resource $y$ in zone $z$ [Dimensionless] (Note that for co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the installed capacity of the grid connection in [MW AC])
$\Omega^{energy}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Installed energy capacity of resource $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{stor}$ [MWh] (Note that for co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the installed capacity of the storage component in MWh)
$\Omega^{charge}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Installed charging power capacity of resource $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O}^{asym}$ [MW]
$\Omega^{pv}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Installed solar PV capacity of resource $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a solar PV component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{pv}$ [MW DC]
$\Omega^{wind}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Installed wind capacity of resource $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a wind component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{wind}$ [MW AC]
$\Omega^{elec}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Installed electrolyzer capacity of resource $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an electrolyzer component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{elec}$ [MW AC]
$\Omega^{inv}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Installed inverter capacity of resource $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an inverter component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{inv}$ [MW AC]
$\Omega^{dc,dis}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Installed storage DC discharge capacity of resource $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage DC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,dis}$ [MW DC]
$\Omega^{dc,cha}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Installed storage DC charge capacity of resource $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage DC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,cha}$ [MW DC]
$\Omega^{ac,dis}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Installed storage AC discharge capacity of resource $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage AC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,dis}$ [MW AC]
$\Omega^{ac,cha}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Installed storage AC charge capacity of resource $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage AC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,cha}$ [MW AC]
$\Delta_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Retired capacity of technology $y$ from existing capacity in zone $z$ [MW] (Note that for co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the retired capacity of the grid connection in MW AC)
$\Delta^{energy}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Retired energy capacity of technology $y$ from existing capacity in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{stor}$ [MWh] (Note that for co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the retired capacity of the storage component in MWh)
$\Delta^{charge}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Retired charging capacity of technology $y$ from existing capacity in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O}^{asym}$[MW]
$\Delta^{pv}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Retired solar PV capacity of technology $y$ from existing capacity in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a solar PV component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{pv}$ [MW DC]
$\Delta^{wind}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Retired wind capacity of technology $y$ from existing capacity in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a wind component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{wind}$ [MW AC]
$\Delta^{elec}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Retired electrolyzer capacity of technology $y$ from existing capacity in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an electrolyzer component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{elec}$ [MW AC]
$\Delta^{inv}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Retired inverter capacity of technology $y$ from existing capacity in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an inverter component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{inv}$ [MW AC]
$\Delta^{dc,dis}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Retired storage DC discharge capacity of technology $y$ from existing capacity in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage DC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,dis}$ [MW DC]
$\Delta^{dc,cha}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Retired storage DC charge capacity of technology $y$ from existing capacity in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage DC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,cha}$ [MW DC]
$\Delta^{ac,dis}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Retired storage AC discharge capacity of technology $y$ from existing capacity in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage AC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,dis}$ [MW AC]
$\Delta^{ac,cha}_{y,z} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Retired storage AC charge capacity of technology $y$ from existing capacity in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage AC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,cha}$ [MW AC]
$\Delta_{y,z}^{total} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Total installed capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ [MW] (Note that co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the total capacity of the grid connection in MW AC)
$\Delta_{y,z}^{total,energy} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Total installed energy capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{stor}$ [MWh] (Note that co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the total installed energy capacity of the storage component in MWh)
$\Delta_{y,z}^{total,charge} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Total installed charging power capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O}^{asym}$ [MW]
$\Delta_{y,z}^{total,pv} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Total installed solar PV capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a solar PV component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{pv}$ [MW DC]
$\Delta_{y,z}^{total,wind} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Total installed wind capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a wind component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{wind}$ [MW AC]
$\Delta_{y,z}^{total,elec} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Total installed electrolyzer capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an electrolyzer component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{elec}$ [MW AC]
$\Delta_{y,z}^{total,inv} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Total installed inverter capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an inverter component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{inv}$ [MW AC]
$\Delta_{y,z}^{total,dc,dis} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Total installed storage DC discharge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage DC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,dis}$ [MW DC]
$\Delta_{y,z}^{total,dc,cha} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Total installed storage DC charge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage DC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,cha}$ [MW DC]
$\Delta_{y,z}^{total,ac,dis} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Total installed storage AC discharge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage AC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,dis}$ [MW AC]
$\Delta_{y,z}^{total,ac,cha} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Total installed storage AC charge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage AC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,cha}$ [MW AC]
$\bigtriangleup\varphi^{max}_{l}$Additional transmission capacity added to line $l$ [MW]
$\Theta_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Energy injected into the grid by technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ [MWh]
$\Theta^{pv}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Energy generated by the solar PV component into the grid by technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a solar PV component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{pv}$ [MWh]
$\Theta^{wind}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Energy generated by the wind component into the grid by technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a wind component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{wind}$ [MWh]
$\Theta^{dc}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Energy discharged by the storage DC component into the grid by technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a discharge DC component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,dc} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,dis}$ [MWh]
$\Theta^{ac}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Energy discharged by the storage AC component into the grid by technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a discharge AC component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,ac} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,dis}$ [MWh]
$\Pi_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Energy withdrawn from grid by technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ [MWh]
$\Pi^{dc}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Energy withdrawn from the VRE and grid by technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a charge DC component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,dc} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,cha}$ [MWh]
$\Pi^{ac}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Energy withdrawn from the VRE and grid by technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a charge AC component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,ac} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,cha}$ [MWh]
$\Pi^{elec}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Energy withdrawn from the VRE and grid by technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an electrolyzer component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,dc} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,cha}$ [MWh]
$\Gamma_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Stored energy level of technology $y$ at end of time step $t$ in zone $z$ [MWh]
$\Lambda_{s,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Non-served energy/curtailed demand from the price-responsive demand segment $s$ in zone $z$ at time step $t$ [MWh]
$l_{l,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Losses in line $l$ at time step $t$ [MWh]
$\varrho_{y,z,t}\in \mathbb{R}_+$Spillage from a reservoir technology $y$ at end of time step $t$ in zone $z$ [MWh]
$f_{y,z,t}\in \mathbb{R}_+$Frequency regulation contribution [MW] for up and down reserves from technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$\footnote{Regulation reserve contribution are modeled to be symmetric, consistent with current practice in electricity markets}
$r_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Upward spinning reserves contribution [MW] from technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time t (we are not modeling down spinning reserves since these are usually never binding for high variable renewable energy systems)
$f^{charge}_{y,z,t}\in \mathbb{R}_+$Frequency regulation contribution [MW] for up and down reserves from charging storage technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$
$f^{discharge}_{y,z,t}\in \mathbb{R}_+$Frequency regulation contribution [MW] for up and down reserves from discharging storage technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$
$r^{charge}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Upward spinning reserves contribution [MW] from charging storage technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$
$r^{discharge}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Upward spinning reserves contribution [MW] from discharging storage technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$
$r^{unmet}_t \in \mathbb{R}_+$Shortfall in provision of upward operating spinning reserves during each time period $t \in T$
$f^{pv}_{y,z,t}\in \mathbb{R}_+$Frequency regulation contribution [MW] for up and down reserves for the solar PV component from technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a solar PV component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{pv}$
$r^{pv}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Upward spinning reserves contribution [MW] for the solar PV component from technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a solar PV component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{pv}$
$f^{wind}_{y,z,t}\in \mathbb{R}_+$Frequency regulation contribution [MW] for up and down reserves for the wind component from technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a wind component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{wind}$
$r^{wind}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Upward spinning reserves contribution [MW] for the wind component from technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a wind component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{wind}$
$f^{dc,dis}_{y,z,t}\in \mathbb{R}_+$Frequency regulation contribution [MW] for up and down reserves for the storage DC discharge component from technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage DC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,dc} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,dis}$
$r^{dc,dis}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Upward spinning reserves contribution [MW] for the storage DC discharge component from technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage DC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,dc} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,dis}$
$f^{dc,cha}_{y,z,t}\in \mathbb{R}_+$Frequency regulation contribution [MW] for up and down reserves for the storage DC charge component from technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage DC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,dc} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,cha}$
$r^{dc,cha}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Upward spinning reserves contribution [MW] for the storage DC charge component from technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage DC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,dc} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,cha}$
$f^{ac,dis}_{y,z,t}\in \mathbb{R}_+$Frequency regulation contribution [MW] for up and down reserves for the storage AC discharge component from technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage AC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,ac} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,dis}$
$r^{ac,dis}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Upward spinning reserves contribution [MW] for the storage AC discharge component from technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage AC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,ac} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,dis}$
$f^{ac,cha}_{y,z,t}\in \mathbb{R}_+$Frequency regulation contribution [MW] for up and down reserves for the storage AC charge component from technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage AC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,ac} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,cha}$
$r^{ac,cha}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Upward spinning reserves contribution [MW] for the storage AC charge component from technology $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage AC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,ac} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,cha}$
$\alpha^{Contingency,Aux}_{y,z} \in \{0,1\}$Binary variable that is set to be 1 if the total installed capacity $\Delta^{\text{total}}_{y,z} > 0$ for any generator $y \in \mathcal{UC}$ and zone $z$, and can be 0 otherwise
$\Phi_{l,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Power flow in line $l$ at time step $t$ [MWh]
$\theta_{z,t} \in \mathbb{R}$Voltage phase angle in zone $z$ at time step $t$ [radian]
$\nu_{y,z,t}$Commitment state of the generation cluster $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$
$\chi_{y,z,t}$Number of startup decisions, of the generation cluster $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$
$\zeta_{y,z,t}$Number of shutdown decisions, of the generation cluster $y$ in zone $z$ at time $t$
$\mathcal{Q}_{o,n} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Inventory of storage of type $o$ at the beginning of input period $n$ [MWh]
$\Delta\mathcal{Q}_{o,m} \in \mathbb{R}$Excess storage inventory built up during representative period $m$ [MWh]
$ON^{+}_{l,t} \in {0,1}$Binary variable to activate positive flows on line $l$ in time $t$
$TransON^{+}_{l,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Variable defining maximum positive flow in line $l$ in time $t$ [MW]
$\Theta^{CRM}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$"Virtual" energy discharged by a storage resource that contributes to the capacity reserve margin for technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources with activated capacity reserve margin policies, $y \in \mathcal{O}$ [MWh]
$\Pi^{CRM}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$"Virtual" energy withdrawn by a storage resource from the grid by technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources with activated capacity reserve margin policies, $y \in \mathcal{O}$ [MWh]
$\Theta^{CRM,dc}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$"Virtual" energy discharged by a storage DC component that contributes to the capacity reserve margin for technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with activated capacity reserve margin policies, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{stor}$ [MWh]
$\Pi^{CRM,dc}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$"Virtual" energy withdrawn by a storage DC component from the grid by technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with activated capacity reserve margin policies, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{stor}$ [MWh]
$\Theta^{CRM,ac}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$"Virtual" energy discharged by a storage AC component that contributes to the capacity reserve margin for technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with activated capacity reserve margin policies, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{stor}$ [MWh]
$\Pi^{CRM,ac}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$"Virtual" energy withdrawn by a storage AC component from the grid by technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with activated capacity reserve margin policies, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{stor}$ [MWh]
$\Gamma^{CRM}_{y,z,t} \in \mathbb{R}_+$Total "virtual" state of charge being held in reserves for technology $y$ at time step $t$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for standalone storage and co-located VRE and storage resources with activated capacity reserve margin policies, $y \in \mathcal{O} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{stor}$ [MWh]


$D_{z,t}$Electricity demand in zone $z$ and at time step $t$ [MWh]
$\tau^{period}$number of time steps in each representative period $w \in \mathcal{W}^{rep}$ and each input period $w \in \mathcal{W}^{input}$
$\omega_{t}$weight of each model time step $\omega_t =1 \forall t \in T$ when modeling each time step of the year at an hourly resolution [1/year]
$n_s^{slope}$Cost of non-served energy/demand curtailment for price-responsive demand segment $s$ [$/MWh]
$n_s^{size}$Size of price-responsive demand segment $s$ as a fraction of the hourly zonal demand [%]
$\overline{\Omega}_{y,z}$Maximum capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ [MW] (Note that for co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the maximum grid connection capacity in MW AC)
$\underline{\Omega}_{y,z}$Minimum capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ [MW] (Note that for co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the minimum grid connection capacity in MW AC)
$\overline{\Omega}^{energy}_{y,z}$Maximum energy capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{stor}$ [MWh] (Note that for co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the maximum storage component in MWh)
$\underline{\Omega}^{energy}_{y,z}$Minimum energy capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{stor}$ [MWh] (Note that for co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the minimum storage component in MWh)
$\overline{\Omega}^{charge}_{y,z}$Maximum charging power capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O}^{asym}$ [MW]
$\underline{\Omega}^{charge}_{y,z}$Minimum charging capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$- only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O}^{asym}$ [MW]
$\overline{\Omega}^{pv}_{y,z}$Maximum solar PV capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a solar PV component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{pv}$ [MW DC]
$\underline{\Omega}^{pv}_{y,z}$Minimum solar PV capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a solar PV component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{pv}$ [MW DC]
$\overline{\Omega}^{wind}_{y,z}$Maximum wind capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a wind component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{wind}$ [MW AC]
$\underline{\Omega}^{wind}_{y,z}$Minimum wind capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a wind component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{wind}$ [MW AC]
$\overline{\Omega}^{elec}_{y,z}$Maximum electrolyzer capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an electrolzyer component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{elec}$ [MW AC]
$\underline{\Omega}^{elec}_{y,z}$Minimum electrolyzer capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an electrolyzer component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{elec}$ [MW AC]
$\overline{\Omega}^{inv}_{y,z}$Maximum inverter capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an inverter component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{inv}$ [MW AC]
$\underline{\Omega}^{inv}_{y,z}$Minimum inverter capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an inverter component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{inv}$ [MW AC]
$\overline{\Omega}^{dc,dis}_{y,z}$Maximum storage DC discharge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage DC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,dis}$ [MW DC]
$\underline{\Omega}^{dc,dis}_{y,z}$Minimum storage DC discharge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage DC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,dis}$ [MW DC]
$\overline{\Omega}^{dc,cha}_{y,z}$Maximum storage DC charge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage DC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,cha}$ [MW DC]
$\underline{\Omega}^{dc,cha}_{y,z}$Minimum storage DC charge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage DC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,cha}$ [MW DC]
$\overline{\Omega}^{ac,dis}_{y,z}$Maximum storage AC discharge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage AC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,dis}$ [MW AC]
$\underline{\Omega}^{ac,dis}_{y,z}$Minimum storage AC discharge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage AC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,dis}$ [MW AC]
$\overline{\Omega}^{ac,cha}_{y,z}$Maximum storage AC charge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage AC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,cha}$ [MW AC]
$\underline{\Omega}^{ac,cha}_{y,z}$Minimum storage AC charge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage AC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,cha}$ [MW AC]
$\overline{\Delta}_{y,z}$Existing installed capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ [MW] (Note that for co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the existing installed capacity of the grid connection in [MW AC])
$\overline{\Delta^{energy}_{y,z}}$Existing installed energy capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{stor}$ [MWh] (Note that for co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the existing installed energy capacity of the storage component in MWh)
$\overline{\Delta^{charge}_{y,z}}$Existing installed charging capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O}$ [MW]
$\overline{\Delta^{pv}_{y,z}}$Existing installed solar PV capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a solar PV component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{pv}$ [MW DC]
$\overline{\Delta^{wind}_{y,z}}$Existing installed wind capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a wind component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{wind}$ [MW AC]
$\overline{\Delta^{elec}_{y,z}}$Existing installed electrolyzer capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an electrolyzer component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{elec}$ [MW AC]
$\overline{\Delta^{inv}_{y,z}}$Existing installed inverter capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an inverter component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{inv}$ [MW AC]
$\overline{\Delta^{dc,dis}_{y,z}}$Existing installed storage DC discharge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage DC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,dis}$ [MW DC]
$\overline{\Delta^{dc,cha}_{y,z}}$Existing installed storage DC charge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage DC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,cha}$ [MW DC]
$\overline{\Delta^{ac,dis}_{y,z}}$Existing installed storage AC discharge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage AC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,dis}$ [MW AC]
$\overline{\Delta^{dc,cha}_{y,z}}$Existing installed storage AC charge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage AC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,cha}$ [MW AC]
$\overline{\Omega}_{y,z}^{size}$Unit size of technology $y$ in zone $z$ [MW]
$\pi_{y,z}^{INVEST}$Investment cost (annual amortization of total construction cost) for power capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ [$/MW-yr] (Note that for co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the investment cost of the grid connection capacity in $/MW AC-yr)
$\pi_{y,z}^{INVEST,energy}$Investment cost (annual amortization of total construction cost) for energy capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{pv}$ [$/MWh-yr] (Note that for co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the investment cost of the energy capacity of the storage component in $/MWh-yr)
$\pi_{y,z}^{INVEST,charge}$Investment cost (annual amortization of total construction cost) for charging power capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O}$ [$/MW-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{INVEST,pv}$Investment cost (annual amortization of total construction cost) for solar PV capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a solar PV component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{pv}$ [$/MW DC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{INVEST,wind}$Investment cost (annual amortization of total construction cost) for wind capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a wind component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{wind}$ [$/MW AC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{INVEST,elec}$Investment cost (annual amortization of total construction cost) for electrolyzer capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an electrolyzer component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{elec}$ [$/MW AC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{INVEST,inv}$Investment cost (annual amortization of total construction cost) for inverter capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an inverter component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{inv}$ [$/MW AC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{INVEST,dc,dis}$Investment cost (annual amortization of total construction cost) for storage DC discharge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage DC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,dis}$ [$/MW DC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{INVEST,dc,cha}$Investment cost (annual amortization of total construction cost) for storage DC charge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage DC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,cha}$ [$/MW DC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{INVEST,ac,dis}$Investment cost (annual amortization of total construction cost) for storage AC discharge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage AC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,dis}$ [$/MW AC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{INVEST,ac,cha}$Investment cost (annual amortization of total construction cost) for storage AC charge capacity of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage AC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,cha}$ [$/MW AC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{FOM}$Fixed O&M cost of technology $y$ in zone $z$ [$/MW-yr] (Note that for co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the fixed O&M cost of the grid connection capacity in $/MW AC-yr)
$\pi_{y,z}^{FOM,energy}$Fixed O&M cost of energy component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{stor}$ [$/MWh-yr] (Note that for co-located VRE and storage resources, this value represents the fixed O&M cost of the storage energy capacity in $/MWh-yr)
$\pi_{y,z}^{FOM,charge}$Fixed O&M cost of charging power component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage resources, $y \in \mathcal{O}$ [$/MW-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{FOM,pv}$Fixed O&M cost of the solar PV component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a solar PV component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{pv}$ [$/MW DC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{FOM,wind}$Fixed O&M cost of the wind component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with a wind component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{wind}$ [$/MW AC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{FOM,elec}$Fixed O&M cost of the electrolyzer component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an electrolyzer component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{elec}$ [$/MW AC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{FOM,inv}$Fixed O&M cost of the inverter component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an inverter component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{inv}$ [$/MW AC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{FOM,dc,dis}$Fixed O&M cost of the storage DC discharge component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage DC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,dis}$ [$/MW DC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{FOM,dc,cha}$Fixed O&M cost of the storage DC charge component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage DC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,cha}$ [$/MW DC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{FOM,ac,dis}$Fixed O&M cost of the storage AC discharge component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage AC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,dis}$ [$/MW AC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{FOM,ac,cha}$Fixed O&M cost of the storage AC charge component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for co-located VRE and storage resources with an asymmetric storage AC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,cha}$ [$/MW AC-yr]
$\pi_{y,z}^{VOM}$Variable O&M cost of technology $y$ in zone $z$ [$/MWh]
$\pi_{y,z}^{VOM,charge}$Variable O&M cost of charging technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable for storage and demand flexibility resources, $y \in \mathcal{O} \cup \mathcal{DF}$ [$/MWh]
$\pi_{y,z}^{VOM,pv}$Variable O&M cost of the solar PV component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable to co-located VRE and storage resources with a solar PV component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{pv}$ [$/MWh]
$\pi_{y,z}^{VOM,wind}$Variable O&M cost of the wind component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable to co-located VRE and storage resources with a wind component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{wind}$ [$/MWh]
$\pi_{y,z}^{VOM,dc,dis}$Variable O&M cost of the storage DC discharge component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable to co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage DC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,dc} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,dis}$ [$/MWh]
$\pi_{y,z}^{VOM,dc,cha}$Variable O&M cost of the storage DC charge component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable to co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage DC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,dc} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,dc,cha}$ [$/MWh]
$\pi_{y,z}^{VOM,ac,dis}$Variable O&M cost of the storage AC discharge component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable to co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage AC discharge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,ac} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,dis}$ [$/MWh]
$\pi_{y,z}^{VOM,ac,cha}$Variable O&M cost of the storage AC charge component of technology $y$ in zone $z$ - only applicable to co-located VRE and storage resources with a storage AC charge component, $y \in \mathcal{VS}^{sym,ac} \cup y \in \mathcal{VS}^{asym,ac,cha}$ [$/MWh]
$\pi_{y,z}^{FUEL}$Fuel cost of technology $y$ in zone $z$ [$/MWh]
$\pi_{y,z}^{START}$Startup cost of technology $y$ in zone $z$ [$/startup]
$\pi^{TCAP}_{l}$Transmission line reinforcement or construction cost for line $l$
$\upsilon^{reg}_{y,z}$Maximum fraction of capacity that a resource $y$ in zone $z$ can contribute to frequency regulation reserve requirements
$\upsilon^{rsv}_{y,z}$Maximum fraction of capacity that a resource $y$ in zone $z$ can contribute to upward operating (spinning) reserve requirements
$\pi^{Unmet}_{rsv}$Cost of unmet spinning reserves in [$/MW]
$\epsilon^{demand}_{reg}$Frequency regulation reserve requirement as a fraction of forecasted demand in each time step
$\epsilon^{vre}_{reg}$Frequency regulation reserve requirement as a fraction of variable renewable energy generation in each time step
$\epsilon^{demand}_{rsv}$Operating (spinning) reserve requirement as a fraction of forecasted demand in each time step
$\epsilon^{vre}_{rsv}$Operating (spinning) reserve requirement as a fraction of forecasted variable renewable energy generation in each time step
$\epsilon_{y,z}^{CO_2}$CO$_2$ emissions per unit energy produced by technology $y$ in zone $z$ [metric tons/MWh]
$\epsilon_{y,z,p}^{MinTech}$Equals to 1 if a generator of technology $y$ in zone $z$ is eligible for minimum capacity carveout policy $p \in \mathcal{P}^{MinTech}$, otherwise 0
$REQ_p^{MinTech}$The minimum capacity requirement of minimum capacity carveout policy $p \in \mathcal{P}^{MinTech}$ [MW]
$REQ_p^{MaxTech}$The maximum capacity requirement of minimum capacity carveout policy $p \in \mathcal{P}^{MinTech}$ [MW]
$\epsilon_{y,z,p}^{CRM}$Capacity derating factor of technology $y$ in zone $z$ for capacity reserve margin policy $p \in \mathcal{P}^{CRM}$ [fraction]
$RM_{z,p}^{CRM}$Reserve margin of zone $z$ of capacity reserve margin policy $p \in \mathcal{P}^{CRM}$ [fraction]
$\epsilon_{z,p,mass}^{CO_2}$Emission budget of zone $z$ under the emission cap $p \in \mathcal{P}^{CO_2}_{mass}$ [ million of metric tonnes]
$\epsilon_{z,p,demand}^{CO_2}$Maximum carbon intensity of the demand of zone $z$ under the emission cap $p \in \mathcal{P}^{CO_2}_{demand}$ [metric tonnes/MWh]
$\epsilon_{z,p,gen}^{CO_2}$Maximum emission rate of the generation of zone $z$ under the emission cap $p \in \mathcal{P}^{CO_2}_{gen}$ [metric tonnes/MWh]
$\rho_{y,z}^{min}$Minimum stable power output per unit of installed capacity for technology $y$ in zone $z$ [%]
$\rho_{y,z,t}^{max}$Maximum available generation per unit of installed capacity during time step t for technology y in zone z [%]
$\rho_{y,z,t}^{max,pv}$Maximum available generation per unit of installed capacity for the solar PV component of a co-located VRE and storage resource during time step t for technology y in zone z [%]
$\rho_{y,z,t}^{max,wind}$Maximum available generation per unit of installed capacity for the wind component of a co-located VRE and storage resource during time step t for technology y in zone z [%]
$VREIndex_{y,z}$Resource bin index for VRE technology $y$ in zone $z$. $VREIndex_{y,z}=1$ for the first bin, and $VREIndex_{y,z}=0$ for remaining bins. Only defined for $y\in \mathcal{VRE}$
$\varphi^{map}_{l,z}$Topology of the network, for line l: $\varphi^{map}_{l,z}=1$ for start zone $z$, - 1 for end zone $z$, 0 otherwise.
$\mathcal{B}_{l}$DC-OPF coefficient for line $l$ [MWh]
$\Delta \theta^{\max}_{l}$Maximum voltage phase angle difference for line $l$ [radian]
$\eta_{y,z}^{loss}$Self discharge rate per time step per unit of installed capacity for storage technology $y$ in zone $z$ [%]
$\eta_{y,z}^{charge}$Single-trip efficiency of storage charging/demand deferral for technology $y$ in zone $z$ [%]
$\eta_{y,z}^{discharge}$Single-trip efficiency of storage (and hydro reservoir) discharging/demand satisfaction for technology $y$ in zone $z$ [%]
$\eta_{y,z}^{charge,dc}$Single-trip efficiency of storage DC charging/demand deferral for technology $y$ in zone $z$ for co-located VRE and storage resources [%]
$\eta_{y,z}^{discharge,dc}$Single-trip efficiency of storage DC discharging/demand satisfaction for technology $y$ in zone $z$ for co-located VRE and storage resources [%]
$\eta_{y,z}^{charge,ac}$Single-trip efficiency of storage AC charging/demand deferral for technology $y$ in zone $z$ for co-located VRE and storage resources [%]
$\eta_{y,z}^{discharge,ac}$Single-trip efficiency of storage AC discharging/demand satisfaction for technology $y$ in zone $z$ for co-located VRE and storage resources [%]
$\eta_{y,z}^{inverter}$Inverter efficiency representing losses from converting DC to AC power and vice versa for technology $y$ in zone $z$ for co-located VRE and storage resources [%]
$\eta_{y,z}^{ILR,pv}$Inverter loading ratio (the solar PV capacity sizing to the inverter capacity built) of technology $y$ in zone $z$ for co-located VRE and storage resources with a solar PV component [%]
$\eta_{y,z}^{ILR,wind}$Inverter loading ratio (the wind PV capacity sizing to the grid connection capacity built) of technology $y$ in zone $z$ for co-located VRE and storage resources with a wind component [%]
$\mu_{y,z}^{stor}$Ratio of energy capacity to discharge power capacity for storage technology (and hydro reservoir) $y$ in zone $z$ [MWh/MW]
$\mu_{y,z}^{dc,stor}$Ratio of discharge power capacity to energy capacity for the storage DC component of co-located VRE and storage technology $y$ in zone $z$ [MW/MWh]
$\mu_{y,z}^{ac,stor}$Ratio of discharge power capacity to energy capacity for the storage AC component of co-located VRE and storage technology $y$ in zone $z$ [MW/MWh]
$\mu_{y,z}^{\mathcal{DF}}$Maximum percentage of hourly demand that can be shifted by technology $y$ in zone $z$ [%]
$\kappa_{y,z}^{up}$Maximum ramp-up rate per time step as percentage of installed capacity of technology y in zone z [%/hr]
$\kappa_{y,z}^{down}$Maximum ramp-down rate per time step as percentage of installed capacity of technology y in zone z [%/hr]
$\tau_{y,z}^{up}$Minimum uptime for thermal generator type y in zone z before new shutdown [hours].
$\tau_{y,z}^{down}$Minimum downtime or thermal generator type y in zone z before new restart [hours].
$\tau_{y,z}^{advance}$maximum time by which flexible demand resource can be advanced [hours]
$\tau_{y,z}^{delay}$maximum time by which flexible demand resource can be delayed [hours]
$\eta_{y,z}^{dflex}$energy losses associated with shifting the flexible demand [%]
$\mu_{p,z}^{\mathcal{ESR}}$share of total demand in each model zone $z \in \mathcal{ESR}^{p}$ that must be served by qualifying renewable energy resources $y \in \mathcal{G}^{ESR}_{p}$
$f(n)$Mapping each modeled period $n \in \mathcal{N}$ to corresponding representative period $w \in \mathcal{W}$
$\eta_{y}^{electrolyzer}$Efficiency of the electrolyzer $y$ in megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity per metric tonne of hydrogen produced [MWh/t] (optional parameter)
$ $^{hydrogen}_y$Price of hydrogen per metric tonne for electrolyzer $y$ [$/t] (optional parameter)
$\mathcal{Min kt}_y$Minimum annual quantity of hydrogen that must be produced by electrolyzer $y$ in kilotonnes [kt] (optional parameter)