Using commercial solvers: Gurobi or CPLEX

If you want to use the commercial solvers Gurobi or CPLEX:

  • Make sure you have a valid license and the actual solvers for either of Gurobi or CPLEX installed on your machine
  • Add Gurobi or CPLEX to the Julia Project.
$ julia --project=/home/youruser/GenX

julia> <press close-bracket ] to access the package manager>
(GenX) pkg> add Gurobi
(GenX) pkg> add CPLEX
  • Edit the Run.jl file to use the commercial solver. For example, to use Gurobi, you can add the following lines to the Run.jl file:
using Gurobi
using GenX

run_genx_case!(dirname(@__FILE__), Gurobi.Optimizer)

Note that if you have not already installed the required Julia packages or you do not have a valid Gurobi license on your host machine, you will receive an error message and Run.jl will not run to completion.